Chapter 6

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Is Luigi not that important?!

What about the others and Mario, though?

Sorry, I'll stop ranting.

Speaking of which, let's see how much progress the two teams have made...

The Right Corner (Red, Princess Zelda, Lucas, Toon Link, Pit, Pikachu and Jigglypuff) had excitedly arrived to the Smash Mansion gourmet Kitchen to go forward with their plan to cook Petal and Villager a romantic meal.

Unfortunately, to their horror, the opposing team had gotten there first.

The Left Corner (Samus, Blue Ink & Orange Ink, Leaf, Ness, Sonic, and Dark Pit), had the exact same idea to cook a romantic meal for Villager and Turnip (I bet Zelda feels really stupid and wished that she'd used her telepathy powers to hear what was going on).

The other team had decided to cook the stereotypical "romantic" dish, spaghetti bolognese, like in Lady and the Tramp, as opposed to fish. Orange Ink and Blue Ink were busy in the kitchen, preparing the stove while their teammates gathered the ingredients. They noticed the Right Corner, gaping at them in awe, internally raging at the fact that the Left Corner had practically read their minds.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Orange Ink gurgled, batting her eyelashes all innocent like. "I'm afraid you've had your little brainwave far too late."

The rest of the team smiled smugly and folded their arms.

"Yeah," Ness nodded.

All seemed lost for the Right Corner. They grumpily stormed back into the Common Room, and slumped onto the sofa, feeling sorry for themselves. Was this the end of their OTP, Petal and Villager? "All we've got now, is an empty box of chocolates," Red grumped, and he and the Pokemon narrowed their eyes at Toon Link, responsible for the disappearance of the treats.

There was a brief moment of silence, the whole team pondering in deep thought.

That's when Princess Zelda's eyes lit up after glancing at the empty box.

"I know," she said softly, as she took the box and lid from the coffee table, "We'll fill Turnip's box of chocolates with dead romantic messages, and say they're from Petal!"

Her teammates spirits were easily lifted by this little scheme. Anything for Petal to fall head over heels in love with Villager.

"Great idea! It's better than nothing!" said Pit.

Perfect timing too! The Left Corner's little spaghetti scheme went downhill pretty quickly. For starters, Dark Pit and Ness weren't focusing on the task at hand and were messing about, playing with the raw pasta. When they had finally got the cooker on and added the bolognese, Samus tried her hand at adding the salt, but being the heaby handed bounty hunter she is, she shook the salt too hard, and a TON of salt was added to it.

"Oops..." Samus gulped.

Leaf slapped Samus's hand away from the pot and frantically tried to get the salt out, but by her mixing the disastrous concoction, she made it worse.

"Oops? OOPS?!" Leaf screamed.


At these awful turn of events, Princess Zelda had strutted in antagonistically clutching the empty box of chocolates. The Left Corner scowled at the Hylian Princess, who had obviously showed up just to mock them.

"See? I just knew, Petal's the one for Vill. Oh well, sorry not sorry!" she jeered, and turned and sashayed out.

BURN! It seemed the Left Corner were waaaay behind! Samus slammed the empty salt tin on the Kitchen counter, while the rest of the team sat on chairs, outraged.

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