Chapter 1

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This story begins in the Ultimate World of Smash, (Smash Bros. Ultimate) also known as the World of Light, or the 5th World. All the fighters had just transitioned from the Fourth World (Sm4sh) for a new tournament, with some old faces, and some new ones. As they battle and train throughout their time in the Smash Universe, created by the mysterious Master Hand, they discover that living in This World isn't all about fighting, and they start to develop new friendships and rivalries, and everyone works together in the toughest or simplest of situations.... But they don't have to like it! After their experiences in the World of Melee and the World of Brawl, they take on a new world! Here, we see the fighters' life in the Ultimate World, whether they're fighting or not.

This story takes place in the so-called Smash Mansion, where the fighters reside, The Wii Fit Studio, the Boxing Ring Stage, and Mushroom Kingdom U.

It was just another day of rest in the Smash Mansion.

Well, for some, not all. Most of the fighters had gone to other stages or the Training area to spar with each other for the Ultimate Tourney.

Other fighters like Princess Peach, King K. Rool, Lucina, Falco and King Dedede happened to be resting in the Smash Mansion Common Room, "watching" television (I'll get onto that). The Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom along with the Princess of Ylisse were working on a new medieval princess-inspired outfit that Peach had wanted to make, for like, FOREVER. Lucina, not knowing crap about fashion or whatever (I can see why, she doesn't dress like royalty) reluctantly agreed on helping Peach with the dress. Both girls took up a big space of the Common Room, so now there where bits of ribbons and fake diamonds and cotton all over their side of the room.

I guess R.O.B will clean it later.

But this is were the trouble STARTS. I mean, what kind of story would I be writing without any sort of beef or shenanigans around the Ultimate World?

They were both at it again. King Dedede and King K. Rool were both yet again squabbling like a baby alligator and penguin for the TV remote. APPARENTLY it was a big deal for them, however, for the other fighters, it wasn't.

You see, ever since that terrible incident with the self-proclaimed King of Dreamland that involved "impersonating" King K. Rool in front of Donkey and Diddy Kong, those two have been at it ever since. They've been screwing with each other left, right and centre, to disgusting insults about each other, to full-scale cat fights. They've hated each other for so long, I think K. Rool might even hate Dedede more than he hates the Kongs.

Even though the whole roster had gotten so used to Dedede and K. Rool's stupid little fights, they still try and intervene, but nothing has ever worked.

Donkey Kong, King Bowser (King Dedede's best friend) and Wario find it rather amusing. However, Mario has told them not to encourage the two troublemakers, for the sake of the Tournament and Master Hand's rules.

"EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. They-a fight over-eh, nothing! They'll-a find themselves out of the-a Ultimate World, if they're-a not-eh, careful!" the red plumber had scolded.

Well, Mario, Dedede and K. Rool have been at it since the Kremling Kommander nearly gave King Dedede severe brain damage sooo...there doesn't seem to be time where one of them will be waving a white flag soon!

Dedede and K. Rool continued to squabble over the stupid remote, pulling it back and forth, and slapping each other's faces. Well, Dedede was the one who started it this time, as he snatched the remote from him first.

"Oi! Give that back! You - had - it - yesterday, you great big fat brute!" Rool growled between slaps, in his grizzly British accent.

"I only had dis thing for like, 1 hour! Surely dat ain't enough for lil' ol' me!" Dedede shot back, in his brash Southern-American accent.

Princess Peach, Lucina and Falco sighed and rolled their eyes at them.

"Here we go again!" Lucina said in a monotone voice, without looking up from her work (I told you they're used to it!).

"Great, all of the channels on at the same time!" Falco huffed. As they fought, they were repeatedly changing all the channels by accident, resulting in a Game show/news/cooking/talk show/documentary combo.

After a few minutes, King Dedede proved victorious over the television remote, and won the tug of war. He'd smirked triumphantly at K. Rool while he changed the channel to whatever he wanted to watch.

"Oh, so, that's how you wanna play?" the Kremling Kommander scoffed.

He wasn't done yet! He got up from the purple velvet sofa, and deliberately stood in front of the giant, Plasma screen television to block Dedede's way.

"Now, whaddya gonna do?" He sneered at him.

That. Does. It. Dedede snarled in his head.

The penguin king stood up from the sofa, and snapped the TV off with the remote, and there was a tense, frosty silence as they glared at each other.


(And even Falco and the two princesses didn't even seem to care.)

Dedede and Rool narrowed their eyes at each other, wriggled their fingers and stretched their arms to get ready to wrestle each other. You know, like in one of those cowboy films. Minus the tumbleweed. Oh, and the hats. Dedede went to try and crack his knuckles like some tough guy, but failed miserably unlike his rival.

They even both preceded to crack their necks at the same time.

Hearing the announcer/Master Hand's voices in their heads, they waited for the countdown to settle this..


"RAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" they roared and lunged towards each other in slow motion and started an all-out brawl, over a stupid channel changer.

And so, the battle begins.


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