Chapter 6

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Who'll get the remote for the whole month? Daisy? K. Rool? Dedede? Or maybe a few others get caught up in the midst of things...

The time is now.


At the Punch Out!! Boxing Ring Stage.

Just about 5 minutes away from the showdown between the Heel Pokemon and the little champion boxer.

"Preparations" were being made there. And when I mean by "preparations", it was really just the Ice Climbers, Nana and Popo, trying to wrap some new ribbon around the battle ring for the fight. Nana and Popo are both the youngest kids in the tourney, and almost everyone in the roster treat them like they're 3-year-olds while they don't like being fussed over. Well, if they keep crying and having meltdowns every time they lose a match, you'd start commiserating with them! I guess that's why they took matters into their own hands and tried to contribute to the fight.

"We're not BABIES!" they would whine.

Anyways, so the children were absent-mindedly wrapping some the ribbon around these poles in the ring, and Falco happened to arrive at the scene.

Okay, so what he really wanted a another bet from them. He knew that the Ice climbers could be rather naive and simple-minded, as they were like, what, 6 or 7 years old? Placing bets on the win with them will be equivalent to taking candy from a baby.

"What are you two doing?!" Falco demanded. "It's supposed to be around the ring, you punks!"

The children turned around to see the space pilot, and smiled like little angels as he snatched the ribbon tape off them and wrapped it back.

Now it was the time to strike.

"Pity you two haven't got any money. If you could bet on Little Mac, I'd give you great odds," Falco grinned fiendishly, hoping they would take the bait. They did, of course.

The Climbers looked at each other and then looked up at Falco.

"We've got 50 coins!" the both of them said in unison with glee, as if offering money to a cunning scammer was totally normal and not risky.

"Awww! Why didn't you say?!" Falco crooned, sounding like a nursery school teacher. "Where is it, you cute little nuggets?"

"It's in our bank book!"

Big mistake, You guys.

Before you could say, "Final Destination" Falco had already put the ribbon used for the ring to good use.

By tying up the poor, innocent little kids against a pole with it. They didn't seem to mind though. Popo and Nana found this whole little situation rather amusing, and they giggled and laughed like hysterical chipmunks.

I bet they're going to be stuck against that pole for a while, as the rest of the roster where either around the Ultimate World, or they did give a hoot for the fight.

Back at the Mansion, Lucina had given up on finding the remote (that Peach had) and had decided to go and watch a bloodshed brawl between a short boxer and an unruly carnivore (?).

That's when the Mushroom Princess herself appeared behind her.

"Hey, Lucy!" she called.

"Not now, Peach," Lucina grumbled. "If I can't watch a bit of television, I'll just have to go to the fight. I could do with a laugh."

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