Chapter 4

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It's on like Donkey Kong!

Now, since most of the roster in the tournament had gone to other stages and terrains in the Ultimate World to spar, it was a bit of a challenge to find people. Dedede however, stayed within the radius of the Smash Mansion, after looking, he found Little Mac, the well known champion of the Punch Out!! Boxing tournament (It's wrestling, I know, but whatever) in the Training Area. He was boxing an with the infamous sandbag. You know, the one that looks like Kirby shape-shifted into a one.

Little Mac wasn't very hard to convince, just like the king predicted.

"Sooo, Lil' Mac, would ya'll be mah champion?" He asked.

"Why - should - I?" Little Mac grunted between his final punches and kicks.

King Dedede pretended to sigh, but a cocky grin grew on his face. It was time to try and bamboozle him. Little Mac had stopped punching.

"Oh, here weh go!" he began. "What's in it fa meh? Honestleh! 'Me, me me! I, I, I! Self, self self!' It's onleh Lucario! Da Aura Pokemon."

King Dedede strutted around Little Mac like an exam invigilator, with his hands behind his back.

"If I could, I would Jet hammah his butt mahself, but if you ain't willin', fine."

Then he started making his way towards the automatic door exit.

"I'll just find someone else, someone wid guts!" he shrugged. "I've learned mah lesson. Neva give a scaredeh cuccoo man a job fit for a king!"

Had that done it?

Little Mac did some reminiscing over his career, such as his sessions with Doc Louis, and his titles, victories... WHY SKIP ON THIS ONE?

"HOLD UP! Who said I was scared?" Little Mac grinned.

King Dedede smiled, and discreetly landed a dab when the boxer had responded.

I wonder if King K. Rool had any luck?

After a series of travelling from the Unova Pokemon League and Saffron City, K. Rool found Lucario, Red the Pokemon trainer, and the Heel Pokemon himself who was doing various exercises such as push ups, skipping, sit ups etc, in the 1st Pokemon Stadium. He was even wearing sports tape, and a white sports band on his head to emphasise his point.

"Gentlemen, we're having a wrestling match," the Kremling King announced in the empty stadium.

Big mistake.

As soon as the tiger heard the word "wrestling," he'd growled happily, and dashed his skipping rope off the stage and was about to tackle K. Rool. Luckily, Lucario, started pushing him back as the Pokemon waved his arms in anguish.

"Incineroar! Bad Kitty!" Red scolded. He turned to K. Rool.

"Well, if you want!"

Then the trainer suddenly ran towards the confused king and proceeded to put him in a headlock.

"What the-! UGH! NO!" K. Rool grunted, wriggling free.

"I need someone to fight FOR me!"

"Oh wait! I'll go get Charizard. I left my bag in the Mansion," Red implied, about to leave. In fact, Falco Lombardi had arrived quietly at the scene from the Mansion.

K. Rool groaned and pulled the trainer back in frustration.

"NOT YOU! Muscles!!" he urged, thrusting a pointing finger at Incineroar, who had continued with his jumping jacks.

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