Chapter 5

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        “Hey Sophie.” Madelyn chimes once I get into the car.

“Hey Mads.” I say, trying my best to sound like I had a great day. It had it’s ups and downs but the shitiest part was caused by her daughter.

“How was your first day?” She asks as she pulls out of the parking lot.

“It was good.” I admit. “Nothing too much happened.”

“Did you meet anyone?”

“I met one guy, well two. I met Ezra.” I tell her.

“Oh.” She grumbles.

“I take it you guys don’t like him? He seems pretty nice.” I say. Why on earth am I still vouching for my bitch troll of a half sister? Ugh, curse my nice and loving nature,

“He’s not good enough for her. We think she can do so much better, but she’ll just have to find out on her own.” Madelyn explains and I nod, seeing as it makes sense. I had to find that out the hard way once. Even though everyone told me my ex-boyfriend, James, wasn’t good enough for me and that all he would do is break my heart, I still hadn’t listened. I was in love. You can’t reason on anything when you’re in love. It’s like the emotion blinds you to everything but that person. That’s until the person let’s you down, breaks your heart, and stomps all over the shattered pieces. Yeah, if I had to learn it the hard way she should too. “So who’s the other guy? Was it the one you were walking with? He’s kind of cute.”

“Madelyn!” I scold, blushing like crazy.

“Oh you like him!” She says, seeing right through me. Or probably seeing my cheeks burning red.

“I am not discussing this with you. You’re old.” I joke.

“Ouch.” She touches a hand to her heart and I burst out laughing.

“Okay fine, he’s cute actually really cute. He helped me find a couple of my classes. And we’re partners on our semester history project.” I mumble the last part.

“Get out of here!” She exclaims in disbelief.

“Yeah.” I grumble as we pull into a parking lot. I wasn’t even paying attention to where we were going. We’re at Haley’s Coffee Shop, which looks a lot like the one I went to that night I “ran away”. I guess I was too cold to know where I ended up.

“Well that’ll be interesting.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes and try ti suppress my smile. “Wanna come in with me? I gotta drop some pictures off for Amber.” Mads says, getting out of the car.

“Yeah sure. She works here?” I inquires.

“She actually owns it. We’ve been going here since we were teenagers and Haley Silva used to own it but when they moved they let Amber take it over with her fancy new college degree in business.” Madelyn explains as she pulls a huge display board filled with pictures. I help her carry it in until Amber greets us. The place is more vivid and full of life than it was before. I guess there’s a late morning/early afternoon rush. It smells like heavenly coffee and I can so see myself working here. Speaking of which, I should’ve brought the application I picked up the other day. After helping Mads and Amber with this huge display I sink down on one of the couches with them and we all just talk. They’re both like older sisters only because they act so young. I come to find out that they’re best friends and have grown up together. They would always come here and hang out with Austin and Amber’s husband Luke and their other friend Pierre who’s this really popular basketball player.  Amber tells me how she came into taking over Haley’s and how she wanted to keep it exactly the way Haley had it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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