Thirty two

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Once again, the morning was still dark. But to Baekhyun's surprise it was almost 6am. He'd slept past the 'witching hour', the time when he usually rose to empty his stomach and try to fill it again. The bed next to him was cold and so was the tea but he felt amazing. He felt warm inside and he didn't even bother trying to face the world. Instead he just sipped his cold tea and burrowed back down into the soft quilt and sheets that still held the lingering scent of Chanyeol. His memories of being loved so reverently the night before had awakened something inside Baekhyun he'd never felt before. He felt good about himself and his place in the world.

He knew he had to get up. He knew that he had to face the world, deal with the work he didn't get done the day before, but this time the small obstacles that seemed so insurmountable the day before now just seemed like speed bumps rather than mountains. The note next to the bed told him to look in the fridge and he found a plate of tiny quiche. He'd been having trouble with protein, and eggs usually made him feel sick, but Chanyeol's magic hands whipped them with cream and chives and an enticing range of cheese and they somehow became something nutritious that Baekhyun stuffed eagerly into his mouth. The light mixture was dotted with tiny surprises of bacon and corn and he smiled as his body readily accepted the nutritious food.

It was Wednesday and Friday couldn't come quick enough. Friday was the ultrasound and he couldn't wait to see his babies growing. His belly was growing by the day, little by little, not noticeable to anyone else. But his lack of pants proved he was doing well at growing them. He groaned as he showered and prepared to face his closet full of things that didn't really fit but Chanyeol had once again proved his genius.

He pulled the pants on and looped an elastic band around the button, through the buttonhole, and back around the button. He couldn't believe Chanyeol's idea was so simple but so clever. It gave him the extra inch he needed and it gave him the rest of the week to prepare for a shopping trip. He would go on the weekend and get some new clothes. Maybe Chanyeol would come with him if he didn't have plans.

The quiche had given him a funny feeling in his tummy and he dressed in his suit and shirt, jacket and socks, his belt abandoned and his shirt left unbuttoned. It was a bit of an odd look but it would work just fine. The weird feeling in his belly fluttered a little again as he rushed out the door with his car keys in hand.

When he sat down in the drivers seat of his vehicle shock washed over him. The feeling fluttered again, then jabbed a little, and Baekhyun was stunned with the realisation that it wasn't the quiche at all. He could feel one of his babies kicking him.

"Chanyeol!" he called out as he burst though the door of the bakery. The little bell's cheerful ring was overpowered by Baekhyun's joyful excitement as he called out and looked around the room. Junmyeon was stationed behind the counter and there were a few early morning customers but the place was mostly empty. "Baek?" Chanyeol came out from the back room, hands frantically wiping clean on a cloth, a look of panic on the tall man's face. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Baekhyun shook his head as he grinned widely in the middle of the bakery  and Chanyeol walked towards him. "Nothings wrong!" he said with a bright expression. "I can feel them. The babies! They're kicking!"

Baekhyun laughed as Chanyeol frantically wiped his hands clean and dropped the cloth to the floor, his big hands wrapping around Baekhyun's little bump, the look on his face quickly turning from excitement to disappointment. "I can't feel it.." he pouted sadly and Baekhyun giggled at his childishness. "Well they're not kicking now!" he laughed. "But they were before. I thought your quiche was giving me indigestion but it was really them. I could feel them!" Tears filled his eyes and they were reflected in Chanyeol's soft gaze. He felt warm hands move from his stomach to his cheeks as Chanyeol leaned down and kissed his lips softly and lovingly. "I'm so happy," he smiled and Baekhyun did too. "Me too...." his voice whispered gently. And he really was.

"Good morning!" Baekhyun dropped the little box of apple custard Danish onto Yixing's desk along with a tall takeaway cup of latte for his dilligent employee. "You've already been to the bakery?" Yixing immediately recognised the pink flowers on the coffee cup sleeve. "Yes!" Baekhyun's eyes sparkled and Yixing grinned at how well he looked. "So what's changed? Yesterday you were too sick to come to work. Today you're literally glowing." "The babies are kicking!" Baekhyun said and laughed when Yixing dived forward with his hands outstretched. "Not right now!" he laughed as Yixing frowned and pouted. "Anyway I don't think you can feel it from the outside yet. But I can really feel them inside me."

He sat down in his office and twirled in his chair a little. The last twenty four hours had been such a whirlwind of emotions and it wasn't about to stop anytime soon. Baekhyun felt warm inside when he pictured Chanyeol's panicked grasp on his skin at the news of the babies kicking. He wanted him to feel it, to feel the life inside him, to feel the evidence of their children growing strong and healthy. He couldn't wait.

He waded through appointment after appointment before it reached lunchtime. His phone buzzed and it was Minseok and he suddenly realised since Chanyeol had so abruptly inserted himself into his life he'd barely seen his friends. He agreed to meet them for lunch and walked out of the office towards their favourite restaurant with a spring in his step he hadn't had for months.

"You look amazing!" Jongdae yelled when he saw his friend's ethereal glow. "I don't look amazing. But I feel a lot better!" he leaned back in his chair and subtly pulled his shirt tighter to show off his blossoming bump.

"You're getting bigger!" Jongdae's excitement just jumped out and he quickly backed back from his comment. "I mean, you're not big, not at all...." he blushed and stammered nervously over his words and Baekhyun leaned over and squeezed his hand.

"It's fine Jongdae." Baekhyun knew his friends were hyper aware of his past and how it affected his present. They were used to his insecurities, his causal self depreciation, his self loathing expressed barely concealed with nervous laughter.

But there was none of that today. He leaned back and caressed his bump contentedly with a gentle smile playing across his lips. "I'm getting bigger and it's not going to stop. I've got two babies to feed and grow." His smile turned into a blush as he looked up at his friends. "Chanyeol likes me like this anyway. He says I'm cute."

"You seem happy," Minseok said with tears glittering in his smiling eyes. "I am," Baekhyun said in reply. "I've never been this happy in my life."

sugar daddy * baekhyun x chanyeol Where stories live. Discover now