Fifty four

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"Slow down," Baekhyun said as he placed his hand on her belly. "Baek I'm holding up the traffic" Chanyeol huffed from the drivers seat. Baekhyun was in the back with Hayoon nestled in her car capsule sleeping soundly as Baekhyun scowled at every single bump in the road. It took them half an hour to make the twenty minute drive but, in the safety and comfort of darkness, they were soon home.

"Welcome home," Baekhyun cooed softly as they walked in to the apartment. Hayoon was decidedly unimpressed as she barely opened an eyelid. "What now?" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who shrugged and put the baby seat down in the living room. They sat side by side on the couch and watched her in silence.

"Will she wake up?" Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun shrugged. "I guess I should feed her and go to bed." It was 10pm and he was so off track. Hayoon was feeding well and he was forgetting to pump now he wasn't subject to the fullness in his chest reminding him.

He settled in with her nestled against his chest and nodded as she drank happily in her sleep. The tv blared softly as Baekhyun gave in to the the relaxing lull of hormones flooding his brain and soon he snapped awake at the sound of Chanyeol's voice. "Come on," Chanyeol said as he took Hayoon from Baekhyun's arms and wrapped her tightly. "Let's go to bed."

The phone said 1am when Baekhyun woke up with a start. He sat up and stood so he could lean over and see inside the beautiful white bassinet right next to the bed. He held his breath until he was satisfied in the steady rise and fall of her chest and once he could relax knowing she was breathing he laid back down and gave in again.

"Baek," Chanyeol whispered in the darkness. "Here," he said as he handed him the pump. "Hayoon?" Baekhyun mumbled sleepily as he felt the relief of the pump on his chest and he saw Chanyeol sitting in the armchair by the bassinet. "I've made her a bottle. This way you'll have something to take for Minjoon," Chanyeol said and Baekhyun silently wondered, for the millionth time, how Chanyeol could be so effortlessly good at this. How did he always know exactly what to do?

Baekhyun filled the bottle quicker than ever and changed sides to drain the other breast. "She drank the whole 150mls," Chanyeol beamed in the dim light as his huge hands expertly fed his tiny daughter, wiping her chin with a cloth, before hanging her body along his arm face down. He rubbed her back and she let out a tiny burp making them both laugh. Chanyeol quickly wrapped her in her muslin, popped the pacifier in her mouth, and laid her peacefully back in the bed. "Go back to sleep," he said as he took the pump from Baekhyun. "I'll fridge this and go the bakery and you can go back to sleep."

Baekhyun didn't have the energy to argue with him. His eyes were closed before Chanyeol had walked out the door.

The walls were grey with dawn when he heard her stirring. He leaned over and winced when his tender wound pulled a bit as he lifted the baby girl into his arms. He popped the buttons open on his pyjama top and Hayoon began to feed greedily as Baekhyun tried to wake up properly. He reached for the remote and turned the tv on. He'd never felt like a tv in the bedroom was a necessity but Chanyeol had insisted and as he scrolled the Netflix menu Baekhyun was glad of it. He figured he'd be spending a fair amount of time here.

By the time Hayoon had fallen back asleep the front door was opening. "Hi," Chanyeol grinned brightly when he saw Baekhyun nestled in the pile of pillows with the baby up against his bare chest. "I'll shower then I'll come take her," Chanyeol said as he walked across the bedroom and Baekhyun watched him go. He looked tired, Baekhyun thought to himself, tired and a little thinner but deliriously happy. Chanyeol radiated happiness and when he looked down at his daughter, all dark hair and quickly fattening cheeks, he understood. He felt it too.

"Where's the pink blanket?" Baekhyun rummaged through the bag and Chanyeol shrugged. "What's wrong with this yellow one?" Baekhyun stared blankly at him. "People might thinks she's a boy." Chanyeol quickly evaluated the possible responses before turning around and going into the nursery. When he came out with a white blanket patterned with pink flowers Baekhyun broke into a wide smile. "Thank you," he said as he strapped Hayoon into her baby capsule.

He surprised Chanyeol by wrapping his arms around him as soon as they were free from the baby. "Thank you," he mumbled into the crumpled fabric of Chanyeol's shirt. "For everything. For being so wonderful and so good at this." Chanyeol pressed a kiss into his hair and inhaled and Baekhyun tiptoed up to kiss his lips. No thanks was necessary but it was nice to hear and Baekhyun chuckled to himself as Chanyeol glowed at the praise.

"Morning," Wheein smiled as they bundled themselves into the room. "Why is that weird light on?" Baekhyun said immediately and Chanyeol took Hayoon so Baekhyun could go over to the crib. "He's just a little jaundiced," Wheein said, "the lights will fix that today. It's nothing to worry about."

Baekhyun pulled the little cooler bag out and handed Wheein the bottle of breast milk. "That's a lot," she said as she sucked up a full syringe and handed it to Chanyeol before taking the leftovers to the fridge in the corner. Chanyeol squeezed the pumped milk into Minjoon's feeding tube as Baekhyun unbuttoned his shirt again and Hayoon began to hungrily gulp at the rush of milk. "That's going well?" Wheein asked and Baekhyun nodded. He was finding some sort of routine in the madness of home and hospital and the constant cycle of milk. He felt like it was finally starting to work.

"We'll weigh him after he eats," Wheein said with another bright smile and Baekhyun relaxed back in the chair. He felt the flow slow to a trickle and when Hayoon began to fuss he quickly switched her to the other side. He closed his eyes and opened them slowly as he watched Chanyeol tend to their son. The milk had been dropped into the feeding tube and Chanyeol opened the side of the little plastic walled crib and scooped Minjoon out. He was so confident and relaxed, Baekhyun marvelled, and hadn't even asked permission. He wanted his son and he knew he could just take him out. To Baekhyun, always overthinking, always self conscious, it was amazing.

"Four pounds and thirteen ounces!" Wheein announced with a palpable joy. "He'll be going home in a few days. We'll keep him under the UV lamps until tomorrow and then we'll see if he can hold his body temperature." He'd done this before. Baekhyun didn't even have to ask. He knew that if his tiny son could eat well and keep himself warm in a few days they would all be home and away from the hospital forever.

They'd been here for six weeks and Baekhyun had had enough. Finally there was light at the end of the tunnel and he smiled brightly at Chanyeol who smiled back. Soon they would all be home.

sugar daddy * baekhyun x chanyeol Where stories live. Discover now