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"You're never at work anymore," Baekhyun groaned as Chanyeol walked into his office. "I know you said you would be fine but I'm coming with you." Chanyeol stared him down as he stood in the doorway of his pristine office. The office was tidy and neat and Chanyeol smiled as he remembered the first time he walked in here and sat down across the desk from the most beautiful person he'd ever laid eyes on. Who would have known less than a year later they would be here, Chanyeol all proud and happy, a small box of raspberry Danish in his hand, the receipt for a diamond banded ring in his back pocket. He really wanted to ask him before the babies were born. Now he just had to find the right time.

He knew Baekhyun was scared. He also knew he was scarred, damaged, and vulnerable. But he was also strong, powerful and resilient, and Chanyeol was ready to spend every day of the rest of their lives telling him that.

He had another surprise but this one had to wait. He hoped to have it settled before the babies were born but he was a bit worried now that they didn't have the six to eight weeks left that he had planned.

"Come on," he held the box out towards Baekhyun who shook his head. "I had enough trouble with the water," he frowned. His sickness was back with a vengeance and he was as sick as he was during the first few weeks. Only now he had a big belly to deal with and getting up and down to the toilet was difficult. Chanyeol had put a big plastic bowl in the bathroom so he didn't have to lean down and never complained when he had to wash it out for Baekhyun as he emptied his already empty stomach into it over and over again.

They drove mostly in silence. Baekhyun was worried, Chanyeol could tell, and he intermittently clutched at the sides of his stomach in pain. It made Chanyeol frown. He wanted to trust the things the doctors were telling them but something didn't feel right. He shouldn't be in pain like this. Chanyeol's instinct was telling him something was wrong and the mood of dread that had settled over the vehicle as it drove across the city was palpable.

The ultrasound technician was running behind and Baekhyun felt like he was bursting. By the time they were ushered into the room he was almost in tears. He knew it wasn't their fault but he was still annoyed, with his stress written all over his face, and his bladder fit to burst any moment. The only thing keeping him sane was Chanyeol clutching at his hand as they held on to each other like their lives depended on it.

"Baek," Byul burst into the room just as they were helping Baekhyun up onto the examination bench. "I wanted to come and see if you were okay. I heard you were up here in A and E on the weekend?" "Braxton Hicks contractions," Baekhyun grimaced as he clambered ungracefully up onto the bench. "Really?" she sounded surprised. "Most people don't even feel them. And they shouldn't be so painful." She reached out and put her hands on his exposed stomach and frowned. "Your stomach feels very tight. Are you in pain now?" Baekhyun nodded and tears flooded his eyes as he felt the relief of someone who knew and understood. Her presence was immediately calming. "And the sickness is back as well."

"Stay, please," Baekhyun grabbed onto her hand and she nodded. "If that's okay," she said and looked over at Chanyeol. They hadn't met before but she instantly recognised him by his stature and his gentle aura. "Nice to finally meet you Chanyeol," she smiled and he smiled thinly in return. He was too worried to make small talk and she understood, reading their moods easily, the worry thick in the air around them.

The technician squeezed the gel and ran the wand over the huge bulge of Baekhyun's belly. "Twin one," the technician said, freezing the frames, measuring the limbs of the baby on screen. "A little on the small side but that's to be expected with multiple births," the technician checked the placenta and it all looked okay.

"Twin two is significantly smaller," she hummed a little slowly as she moved the want around to get a better view. "I think I'll get these scans to the obstetrician today. The placenta is also smaller and is showing signs of early degeneration." "Byul, what does this mean?" Baekhyun began to panic and Chanyeol moved in to grip his hand. "It means that twin two isn't growing properly Baekhyun. The obstetrician may choose to deliver them early."

Baekhyun shook his head with tears in his eyes and Chanyeol stroked his hair. "It's too early Chanyeol," he said softly and Chanyeol nodded. "I know Baek. But they're your babies. They'll be strong little fighters just like you. Okay?"

The technician handed a hastily scrawled handwritten note to Byul who said she would go fetch the obstetrician on duty. Baekhyun and Chanyeol waited in silence both not knowing what to say. When Byul came back she was accompanied by a tall man, handsome and neat looking, dressed in a shirt and tie and white coat over the top. "I'm Doctor Shim," he said as he held his hand out. "I'm one of the resident obstetricians here and I'm going to have a look and hopefully ease your mind a little."

"He's also experiencing painful contractions," Byul interjected, "They came up to A and E on Saturday night but the GP on shift said it was just Braxton Hicks and sent them away."

Dr Shim shook his head making his thick dark hair flop around. "These damn GPs. I wish they would just call us in...." he walked over and watched as the technician moved the wand and found twin two again. "I see," he said softly. "And Byul also said you're experiencing a return of your hyperemesis gravidarium as well?" Baekhyun nodded with teary eyes blinking up at the wonderfully angelic doctor. He finally felt like he'd found someone who knew what they were doing.

"The placenta doesn't look great and twin two is significantly smaller. Baekhyun, I'm afraid I'm going to have to admit you for bed rest. You need monitoring for nutrition and cannot get dehydrated. Bed rest may assist with the growth of twin two and also may stop the contractions. I'm worried your body is trying to go into labour early and bed rest might be enough to stop it. If you do go into labour it will be a caesarean straight away. I won't risk the pressure of labour on you or the babies. Okay?" Baekhyun could only nod. He didn't want to go into labour early, he didn't want his babies born early and tiny, and he didn't want a caesarean birth. But if those things all had to happen, he knew Chanyeol would be by his side supporting him through the whole ordeal.

"Good," Dr Shim said as he helped Baekhyun sit up. "We'll admit you now and monitor the situation. I'll set up another scan for Friday and if there's no improvement in the contractions or the growth of twin two, or if the placenta deteriorates further, then we'll have to deliver them. But don't get too disheartened. Every day they're in you is another day they're stronger."

He looked over to Byul. "Go with him to the ward for admittance. Make sure they put Mr Byun here on routine steroids to strengthen the baby's lungs just in case. I want him on fluids and regular obs. Strict bed rest. He can eat what he feels like but food has to be recorded so we can monitor his nutrition and make sure he's given supplements. I want bloods taken to test his blood type and iron levels in case he needs a transfusion at some stage."

Byul nodded and they all began to move. "What can I do?" Chanyeol asked wide-eyed. Everything he'd heard was a mess of technical terms. He was worried for Baekhyun, worried for his children, and suddenly felt very helpless. "Go home," Byul said gently as she patted his arm. "Get his bag and pack his favourite most comfortable clothes. Bring anything else he might want, toiletries, phone charger, book. He'll be really bored."

"Don't leave me," Baekhyun clutched at his hand and Chanyeol shook his head. "I'll be back in half an hour okay? Byul will look after you. I'll bring your stuff back." "Call Yixing," Baekhyun said. "Call Jongdae as well." "I will," Chanyeol leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Don't' worry. Everything will be fine," he whispered softly as he gently caressed the man's cheek streaked with tears.

He held his own until he got into his car and finally he let them out. Chanyeol sat in his car in the hospital carpark and sobbed into the sleeve of his hoodie before driving to their home to pack Baekhyun's bag. He'd told him everything would be fine, not wanting Baekhyun to worry, but he wasn't sure if he believed his own words.

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