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Sketch's POV


I stretched and groaned as I heard my alarm ring from my phone. I'd chosen a nice, calm song, but it was still annoying to have your sleep interrupted out of the blue. Ah well, at least it was BB's voice, I supposed. I wouldn't mind her voice waking her for the rest of my life-

"...No, don't get side-tracked. You might be her soulmate, but she probably doesn't want to be in that sort of relationship with you," I thought aloud, rubbing my forehead. I'd been re-evaluating what she meant to me a lot recently; according to Palette, I have a crush. A HUGE one. I double-checked with Blot though, just in case Palette got it wrong. He didn't, though.

I got up off of the bed, humming the song that my phone was still playing in a desperate attempt to wake me up. I picked it up, turned off the alarm, and saw BB had sent me a good morning message. I felt my cheekbones heat up, so I knew that just her talking to me was gonna be an issue. Fantastic...

I checked a couple other notifications (Mina was trying to get me to take photos of her cakes to sell whilst Rasp and Blot were sending memes in a random group chat), but soon put my phone back down to get changed. Off came the red and white checked pyjamas, and on came the red sweater and jeans combination I wore nowadays. And, of course, a brown scarf that was like Dad's. I took one quick look in the mirror (whilst finger-gunning myself, of course), ignoring my blind eye, opened the door, and-

"BOO!" yelled Digit, firing the air horn we got from stars-knows where.
"Morning Sketchy!" she giggled, eye lights shining brightly.
"Morning Dig," I sighed, grinning at her antics. I couldn't be mad at her, but not for the same reasons as Father – I was exactly like her at her age once everyone had adjusted to...well, my sudden partial blindness.
"You took aaageeesss to wake up today!" she whined, pouting and crossing her arms.
"Sorry sis, was just tired after last night."
"It's ok I forgive you! C'mon! Daddy's making breakfast for once!"

She lead me down the stairs, chattering about how much she liked Father's food (honestly, I had to agree. Dad always ended up burning the food, getting a ready meal, or ordering take-out). Blot smirked when he saw me being pulled along by our 6-year-old sister.

"Why don't you take charge for once, eh Sketch?"
"Why don't you get off your ass and get a job, eh Blot?" Father frowned, not looking up from the eggs that were frying in the pan. Blot's face morphed into embarrassment.
"W-Well, it's not easy getting a job when-"
"Oh, leave it you two!" Dad interrupted, looking up from his notepad with a frown on his face. "I can't concentrate on my list of AUs with you both bickering constantly!"
"...Sorry Dad..."
"Yeah, sorry Ink..." Father huffed, glitching slightly.
"...How long will the eggs take, Daddy?" Digit asked innocently, not even comprehending the tension hanging in the air. Dad and I sighed in relief, and I sat next to Blot and waited.
"Not much longer now," Father replied, looking down at her and softly smiling.
"Can I watch?!"
"Sure, knock yourself out. Just make sure you use the stool."
"Yay!" Digit cheered, skipping off to get it from underneath the sink. She scooted it up towards him and stood on it, smiling happily and watching Father cook with a sense of awe. I was the same as her when it came to Dad helping Creators, so it always eased a sense of calm into my soul.

A few minutes later, we were all eating the food Father had prepared. Digit hummed with content, making both parents smile. Blot scarfed it up quickly, so he was soon leaning back in his chair, scrolling through his phone (probably spamming the group chat with more memes). We all soon dispersed one by one, Blot slightly pulling at my scarf to make me get up so we could leave for the OT.
"I wish I could come..." Digit sighed dejectedly, making Dad chuckle.
"Just a few more years and you can, Dig! Right now you've gotta grow big and strong for Daddy and me, 'kay?"
"'Kay!" Digit grinned, mood shifting with the promise she can come with us one day.
"See you boys later!" Dad called out, waving. Blot nodded, and I waved back.

[SJaT original] Teen EraWhere stories live. Discover now