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Ariel's POV


I sat on the couch nervously, twiddling my fingers and staring at the old clock on the wall that had always been there. Nothing much about the house is different from the other, but my room was decorated differently (pink and purple dominated the colour scheme) and the knick-knacks in Uncle Sans' house are here instead of there.

And my parent's room...

Two separate beds, facing away from each other as best as they could manage. One side was a mess, the other spotless. Orange and red in their respective corners. Chaos and order on each sides, instead of balanced throughout.

It weirded me out, so I quickly left. Their room should be tidy with a little mess in the corner by a desk and computer, one huge bed instead of two little ones! There'd be Pops' figurines that Tonton used to tease him about every-so-often littered around on as many surfaces he could fit them on, and scientific papers scattered on Dad's bedside table!

Tonton's room wasn't any better.

His room was supposed to be messy, was practically spotless, with only an occasional sock on the floor. Even more of Uncle Sans' ornaments were in here, and I didn't recognise most of them.

And...And those crossed bones on the wall...And the photos of important memories...

I quickly left that room too. It was so weird, so alien to me. Uncle Sans and Tonton argued all the time back at home, and to think they married and had children here...

I sighed, pulling out my phone and gazing at its blank screen. It had died a while ago, it seemed, and I didn't want to charge it now because of all the memories that were on it. I'd have a break down if I did, I just knew it.

Tonton slipped outside once he got a text from Uncle Sans to say everyone was coming home. I felt so, so guilty; it was my fault they all left in the first place. I drove them all away.

I bet Pops and Dad hated me as much as they hated each other here. And my "cousins" too...

I could suddenly hear the grumpy chatter of Underfell monsters coming back. Even Grillby's annoyed crackles could be heard. And...Those voices...

Pops and Dad being annoyed with each other.

Uncle Sans' emotional, wavering voice.

Tonton's almost as emotional voice.

Everything was blurry. They were here. They will hate me. I shattered their peace, the peace that was so hard to obtain. Ok, so no one was violent; but I could feel the tension in the air from inside the house.

I curled into the side of the couch, panicking as the door knob twisted. I looked away as best as I could, afraid of what they'd think of me. I wanted them to love me! But I ruined it, it's too late, too late, too late-

"-go easy on her, aight? She's had a rough time, from what I understand. And Rasp, if you dare confront here on what happened before, so help me-"
"Yeah yeah, I got it," came the voice of an annoyed girl, who strode in first and faltered as she gazed at me. "...Uhh, I didn't do anything yet and she's crying."
"D-Don't just stare at her Rasp! You'll make her feel afraid!" came a gentler voice. Another girl walked in, and I could instantly tell that these two were the "cousins" that Tonton had proudly described to me (even if his expression grew exasperated at "Rasp's" shenanigans).
"Well I can't just avoid her!-"
"Kids, let us through," came the chilling sigh of Da- ...No, Stretch. This wasn't the same man who cared for me when I was sick, or the man who annoyed Pops with puns and teases. Neither of them were them.

Neither of them were my parents.

I could never remember what had happened next, but the next thing I knew I was sobbing as I clung to Uncle Sans Blue and Tonton Red. Maybe it was a memory that sparked it, or simply just hearing their voices, but I broke down and wept, only to be comforted by the two men who would have been my Uncles. Rasp and her sister had left the room, though the sister soon returned with some hot chocolate, along with a can of whipped cream and miscellaneous toppings.

"I-I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I was going to bring it to you so it can be how ever you like..." she smiled softly, placing it on the coffee table in front of the couch. It took me a few minutes to calm myself down enough to answer.
"I-I- P-Pops used- hiccup used to s-spray the cream- sob a-all the way u-up...A-And t-then hic Dad wo- sniff would sneak me choco-flakes and sprinkles t-to put on top..." I managed to finally say, smiling very slightly at the memory. Pops didn't like giving me too much sugar, but Dad loved spoiling me at every chance he could take. It led to some interesting arguments, but they made up quickly after.
"That does sound like something you would do," Pops Edge sniffed, stalking through the room and sitting down with his own hot drink. Dad Stretch just gave him a scowl, but the two looked away from each other when Blue gave them a scolding look. I just giggled a little, punctuated by the slight hiccup or sob.
"Y-Yeah, but it's f-fun that way..." I smiled to him as best as I could, making everyone in the room stop and stare at me. "B-Besides, they loved each other s-so they could n-never be angry at each- hiccup each other for too long..!" I quickly added, shrinking back at Stretch and Edge's looks of shock. They glanced at each other, frowning.
"...And you said we were never compatible," Stretch said finally, glaring at the other who was now noticeably nervous. "I bet it was because of that goddamn reputation you care about so much for some damn reaso-"

"Papyrus, that's enough!" Blue yelled out angrily, stunning everyone but Red. BB shrunk back at little, making him raise a hand to his mouth. "...S-Sorry Little Berry, I don't know what came over me...I haven't risen my voice like that for forever..."
"Y-You did it all the time back home..." I muttered. He looked crestfallen and stared at his hands.
"I...I hope that doesn't happen here..."
"It probably won't. You're too sweet to," Red chimed in, thrown off guard when his husband started to pile on the kisses. "Mph- Blue!"

"As nice as this is, I promised Sketch I'd meet up with him in an hour two hours ago, so-"
"Not after I woke up to him in the same bed as you!" Blue scolded with a frown, pulling back from a dazed Red.
"We share a bed all the time whenever one of us sleeps over at the other..." she protested softly. Red snickered.
"Looks like Little Berry's getting into her rebellious phase~, oooooh~, rebelliousss~" he teased, making Blue tense up.
"N-No! I refuse to believe it!"
"If BB's in her rebellious phase then I'm allowed out at night," Rasp called as she walked downstairs. Both parents frowned this time.
"Hell no."
"Absolutely not!"
"At least you tried?" BB offered, standing up. "But I've really got to go now, I promised."
"Fine, fine. Have fun!"
"Use protection-"

By then I'd calmed down and started laughing at everyone's antics. I sunk into the couch, happier.

It wasn't home yet, but this could work.

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