A Bad Day

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Some time later...

Rasp's POV


18. He's fucking 18 now. I was too late to figure it all out, too late to realise what he meant to me.

It must have been that time with us smoking...Whatever the hell Uncle Stretch had hidden away under the floorboards of his room. We kissed; Almost did so much more, in fact. We passed out before that could happen. And I was so pissed when we woke up sober that I just told him to get out before I hit him for what happened.

And then, clarity hit me like a truck. I didn't fucking care that it happened. I liked it.

But I realised on his birthday.

And now he's out of reach.

He'll probably find someone else within 2 years, someone who doesn't treat him like a piece of shit.

I wish I'd listened to Papa's discipline and advice when I was younger now. A part of me wished I hadn't even thought of looking for those drugs.

It felt terrible.

And there was only one person I was willing to talk to about it, considering that anyone else would beat my ass if they found out I stole Stretch's drugs.



"...So lemme get this straight; ye want me, the stupid kid who can't get 'is soulmate t' fall in love with him, t' help you with the same issue?"
"Well, an' to cope with the pain."
"...Now that I can do. But not the second part," he sighed, fiddling with his sleeves. "Kit practically hates me on th' romantic front, an' I'm honestly lucky t' even be friends wit' her!-"
"Yeah yeah, I came for answers, not your issues," I frowned, rolling my eyes. "'Sides, you're both 14. You've still got time to win her 'round."
"Aight, aight, fine. All there is to it is that ye 'ave t' shut out all feelin's for 'im yer may 'ave. It takes a lot of willpower, an' you run th' risk of Hanahaki if you let it consume ya for just a second."
"So I've heard," I shuddered, thinking of when Dad had told us about how he'd battled that god damn flower disease when he thought Papa was too good for him long before BB and I existed, and the way all of the adults' eye sockets dimmed, even Uncle Stretch's...Ugh, it was weird.
"Aight, that's good, yer aware of the consequences...But how about puttin' it t' use?"
"Easy; I used to shut out my emotions during sparring to avoid going easy on my Uncle. It was mostly when I still gave a shit, 'course," I quickly added, skull heating a little. "I know he doesn't care anymore and that he can endure anythin' I throw his way."
"Ah, but, y' see, it's not the same scenario. How can you be so sure yer soul will let it happen?-"

"Connor!" Kit strode forward, hands on hips, a frown on her face. "Your parents have been calling you for the past 5 minutes for you to come back! あなたは耳が聞こえませんか、あなたは怠け者ですか?!" (Anata wa mimi ga kikoemasen ka, anata wa kemonodesu ka?! – "Are you deaf or are you lazy?!")
"Cé chomh míshásta, tá sí anois..." ("How annoying, here she is now...") Connor muttered under his breath in Irish Gaelic, turning to face the much smaller girl with a frown that matched hers. "I'm tryin' t' finish a conversation with m' friend Kit, do y' mind?"
"あなたはばか、彼らはあなたに20分前にあなたに5分間の警告を与えました-ああ、あなたはとても無頓着です、あなたはどういう意味ですか、「ここに彼女が来る」?!"(Anata wa baka, karera wa anata ni 20-bu mae ni anata ni 5-funkan no keikoku o ataemashita - ā, anata wa totemo mutonjakudesu, anata wa dōiu imidesu ka,'koko ni kanojo ga kuru'?! – "You're an idiot, they gave you a five-minute warning 20 minutes ago-oh, you're so careless, what do you mean, 'here she comes'?!")
"Oh, you heard me!-"I just walked away, not wanting to hear their constant bickering. If that's how it turns out with the little Lucky Shamrock's advice, then I don't want it. I'd take my questions to someone else.

But who?


I sat in my bed, sulking as I stared at my phone. I'd tried so many people and, honestly, all I got was a lecture on smoking with Blot. Just as I was giving up, I looked up and-

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I yelled, summoning a bone attack and grasping it firmly as I stared at the stranger in my room. Tall, skeletal, Papyrus-like. I'd never seen them before. They snickered.

"Is that any way to treat your timeline varied family? Come on, cous, you don't need to be that way," they grinned, voice feminine. Timeline varied family...What the fuck did that mean? The grip on my bone attack visibly tightened. They frowned. "No need for violence, right? That's what your Dad would say, hmm?"
"STAY THE FUCK BACK AND ANSWER ME: WHO. THE. FUCK. ARE. YOU?!" I raged as they tried to twist my Papa's words.
"Now now, BB, no need for all this-"
"I ain't BB," I growled. "And she ain't gonna be here for a fucking weirdo who just showed up in my room like you t' meet her."
"Oh...Well, that's disappointing," they sighed. "It's been so long since I saw any family of mine. I heard that BB was the nice one, so I came here. It certainly explains your reaction-"
"Try me," they snarled, face twisting into an ugly, evil smile. It was fucking terrifying. A tar-like substance started to cover them and-
"Nightmare," I hissed, running downstairs before they could react.

"Woah, woah, where's the fire?!" Papa called out as I skid into the living room, almost colliding with Dad.
"There's- Nightmare- My room- Wants BB-" I panted, still clutching my bone. "Appeared from- I don't know- All goopy- Like a Papyrus-"
"Oh no..." his face drained of all magic, and he rapidly pulled out his phone, dialling for Ink or Dream or, most likely, the Multiversal or even the Hyperversal guard. "Hi, yes, this is Underswap Sans, otherwise known as Blue, from Multiverse 53899818-A: It's arrived here in my family's home in Underfell 4-75-CB and it's asking for my daughter. She isn't home but- Yes...Yes, thank you, I will," he hung up, looking at me dead in the eye. "We need to leave, now. Help evacuate the weaker monsters in Snowdin and the outskirts of Waterfall, there should be portals to the OT springing up any second now. They all need to be out within an hour-"
"What the hell's even going on?!" I asked, worried at his serious expression.
"There's no time to explain. Don't bother getting your things, it's too dangerous to go back up, let's just go-"

"Ÿ̷̰̯̳͔́̓̍̀͝o̷̫̠͐̕û̶̫'̶̧̪̞̭̙̓̔r̴̺͕̿̌̐̎͋͜e̶͖̫̫̽́̈͐͝ ̷̪̰̱̲͘͠ͅņ̶̻̎̓͝ǫ̸̟̗͔̇̍̈́ͅt̵̡̛̰͈̃̕ ̶̝̪̹͍̦̀ǧ̸̢̖͉͐̒͜o̷̧̜͔͚̤͌͂i̴̠͑̃ǹ̴̻̰ͅg̷̠̓ ̵̰̪̓̇̕͝ͅă̴̺̎͋n̶͔̣͌̔̎̍̈́ÿ̶̗͛w̵̘͈̐̌̓h̷̨̢̛͖̰̐̀̊͑ͅé̶̢̧͕̜̑̈́̿r̴̛̬̬̓̋̈́͝e̷̛͉̼̞̼͙͠.̶͚̹̿̾͗̚.̵͚̞̭̜͑̈́̃̃.̴̱͔͕̗͐͒̆̀ͅ" a demonic voice interrupted. I looked up at the source. It was the stranger. Papa's eye-lights shrunk, and he yanked on my arm.

I ran as fast as I could, calling for people to flee to the newly opening portals as I gathered small children playing outside. I held onto as many as I could before taking them through, instructing them not to follow me as I ran back for more. It was a tiring process, but I ignored any fatigue as best as possible.

Soon, two certain skeletons showed up, securing the AU.

"PALETTE! GOTH!" I called out as I rushed towards them, done with most of the monsters in Snowdin Town. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"
"Rasp?! You need to get out of here!-"
"I ain't leaving without an explanation, oh Mr Sunshine!"
"Fine; that Timeline Variation that was taken over by the resident Nightmare and his little puppet? Well, they've decided to Hijack our Multiversal Timeline. But- But I don't even know how they got through to here?! It was so secure and-"
"Palette, you're stressing out again," Goth warned, taking his soulmate's hand in his. "We'll figure this out, I promise. Everything will be fine soon. The 'puppet' has a deadline that's growing closer, so I know we'll get them soon."
"F-Fine...Yeah, you're right..." Palette sighed, kissing the smaller on the forehead. "Thanks, Gothy..."
"As cute as this is and all, but what's gonna happen here?" I interrupted, dreading the answer. He grimaced.

"Either it'll be closed off for a while until it's under control...Or Error's gonna have to step in and destroy it."

Yeah uh, idk what happened, but everything went weird format wise after I pasted Kit's speech into the document. Sorry lads.

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