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Millie's POV


White hair? Check. Different coloured eyes? Pale, paper-thin skin? Check. Adoptive monster parent? Definitely check.

I was weird compared to other humans. But that made my twin brother weird, so that was fine (he would've probably been weird either way though).

The day started like any other. I got up, changed into a pink sweater with the purple stripes on it along with some black sweatpants, fully anticipating Miles to change into a similar get-up (with blue instead of pink), brushed out my hair and put it into a bun, went downstairs. Grabbed a strawberry pop-tart (much to Uncle Paps' dismay in my unhealthy lifestyle choices), ate it, lounged around to wait for Miles so we could leave. Dad comes crashing into the couch via teleportation, freaking out Paps. We have a laugh. Miles gets his ass in gear, grabs a choco pop-tart (again, leaving Paps agitated with our health), acts as if he's the one who's been waiting, step through the portal Dream makes us. Step through. Meet up with Rei, hang out and then go home. Eat something, put on pyjamas, sleep, repeat. Just like clockwork.

However, Miles decided to take longer than usual today, leaving Dad and I time to exchange puns.

"Hey, are you a goat, cause you're such a kid."
"Thanks Dad, you're pretty punny yourself."
"Aw, don't sweat it Millie," he grinned, pulling at my sweater.
"You know, you don't look so hot Dad," I grinned back, just as Grillby walked in. He frowned but shrugged it off anyway.
"Hey, uh, is this about the tab?-"
"Sans, there's an alternate outside and I think they're here for you," he interrupted quietly, flames crackling in a satisfying way. Dad gave a lopsided grin.
"White jacket, black shirt, looks like he's-"
"About to die? That'd be Geno. I'll go see 'im. Thanks Grillbz."

And then he disappeared. Paps groaned.
"Thank the stars you arrived when you did, Grillby! They were telling the most awful puns!-"
"I thought they were humorous, Uncle Paps," I grinned, making him yell in annoyance.

Grillby soon left, nodding to us, and I got up and walked to Miles' room, knocking on the door.

"Hey, bonehead, you ok in there?" I called out. I received a soft grunt in reply, and he opened the door, shivering. "...Shit, you're sick?"
"No shit Sherlock."
"Fuck off Watson."
"Guess I'll head off without ya," I paused, looking at him sternly. "...Get some rest, ok? Don't want you to collapse with a fever, do we?"
"Yeah, whatever," he brushed me off, closing his door. I walked back down and made my way to the newly formed portal.

"Isn't Miles coming?" Paps asked, concerned.
"Nah, he's sick. He'd probably appreciate some soup, though."
"Why of course! I'll make some and bring it up to him in a flash!" he struck a pose, 'nyeh heh heh'-ing away. Once he was done he grinned at me cheerfully. "Oh! But you have a good day now, alright?"
"Yeah, thanks Uncle Paps!" I grinned back, stepping through the portal...


"Who's that?" I asked through a mouthful of food, pointing to an especially exuberant skeleton. Rei finished her own mouthful before replying, adjusting her hair and twitching her cat ears.
"Hm? Oh, that's Sketch. He's one of the Guardian's kids-"
"Which Guardian? There's so many..."
"I forget..." Rei frowned, scrunching up her nose in thought (allowing me to steal one of her fries when she wasn't looking). "...Well, whoever it is, he's certainly one of Error's children too. You can tell straight away from the tone of his bones."
"That's racist," I pointed out. Rei shrugged.
"Not according to how skeletons describe each other."
"I guess," I shrugged back, munching on another of her fries. I wasn't quite so lucky with not being seen this time.

"Hey! That's mine!"
"Oops, finger slipped."


"OH MY GOD YOU'RE A HUMAN?!" came an excited voice. I sighed, turning to meet the monster's gaze. It was...That Sketch guy, right?
"Uh, yeah, I think so," I grinned. He laughed.
"Wow, I haven't seen a human in the OT for a while! What's your name? I'm Sketch!"
"The name's Millie," I held out my hand to shake, which he gladly took. He obviously didn't anticipate the whoopee cushion in my hand and looked dumbfounded when it sounded. I grinned again, tilting my head. I'd memorised all of what Dad would say he said when he met the Ambassador, Frisk, so I added a wink in there to give myself extra confidence.

"'The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It never gets old,'" I echoed, making his single eye-light sparkle.
"No. Way. You're the kid that Classic adopted! W-Well, one of them, right? Hey, wait, where is the other?"
"At home, sick with probably flu," I shrugged. He gave a sympathising smile.
"Aw, that sucks! I remember when I got the flu when I was younger, I-" he cut himself off, smile wiped off of his face. "...Uh, let's just say it really affected me."
"Hm? That's a shame, I-"

"Sketch? Where did you go?" came a British voice. We turned to face it, Sketch grinning widely.
"Hey, BB! Come meet Millie!" he called out. BB timidly walked over, looking at me hard.
"...Classic's kid?" she asked. I nodded.
"And you're Swap's and Fell's, right?"
"Great to meet ya," I grinned. She smiled softly in return, but soon turned back to Sketch.
"Sketch, your parents are asking about you."
"Aw shoot, I bet it's about the thing," he grimaced, sighing. "Guess I'll see you around, human!"
"Yep, I'll count on it," I responded lazily. He waved goodbye and ran off, BB on his tail.

He was pretty cute, I had to admit, but BB seemed glued to his side both emotionally and almost physically.

I decided to leave him to her. She got there first, so it was only fair.

Besides, Rei was my priority...

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