Chapter Five

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I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. I wanted to piece together what was happening before anything else. It was still. I sat up and examined the grey parking lot I had been sleeping in. I moaned softly as I stretched out and then smiled.there was finally some peace in my life once more. I studied myself. I had very pale skin and some of my skin was peeled off but slowly growing back.
I stood up and ran around a bit. There was no one around and no mirrors to check what I looked like.
I jumped, alarmed, and then turned around to see Burt. I almost screeched when I saw him.
He was still tall, dark haired with slight stubble, and muscular but he looked like he was dead. His skin was very pale and almost purple. He also had skin peeled off all around hi. As well as large cuts but no blood came out. His eyes we're lifeless and his clothes were very torn.
"What the hell happened to you? You look like a zombie!"
He almost burst out laughing but I could tell he refrained greatly.
"I am a zombie, and so are you. 90 percent of the country is zombies!"
My eyes widened and I almost laughed.
"Are you serious? That's impossible! Zombies don't have feelings," I replied and hugged him.
Burt felt cold and dry, his skin was flaky and very gross.
"Becky what's wrong with you? You're acting like you've never seen a zombie before!" He laughed and pushed me away slightly.
I bet Burt knew all about zombies because he was a boy and liked that sort of stuff. I bet he watched all of those types of tv shows but I wasn't going to ask him since it was awkward.
He started explaining how he went out in search for human flesh and how some of the national guard caught him and almost killed him. He showed off his wounds and laughed like it was no big deal. He tossed me a piece of meat and started eating a piece himself.
" how did we turn into zombies? We had to die, right?" I asked and studied the piece of meat he gave me intently.
I watched how it moved in my hand and I smelt it. It smelt foul at first but my zombie instincts made it start to smell delicious. I immediately ate it, not meaning to.
The flesh tasted like nothing, literally tasteless. It wasn't bad though, even though the texture was gross. I swallowed the lump of meat and then looked back at Burt.
"I was killed by a fire my apartment and you were killed by the military when you tried to escape. They brought you back after a day with the intent of making you a government slave but you freed yourself. They brought me back instantly so I could live a normal life. The government didn't realize it for a while since zombies can eat regular food for a while but we actually do eat people. It sucks but oh well, we don't want to die."
I nodded slowly and sighed deeply. I didn't want this. Being a zombie sounds like torture. Besides, what happens when all the humans are eaten? No more zombies or humans, since I a summing zombies can't reproduce.
"And you're totally okay with eating others?" I asked and started pacing around the lot.
"Well, it's not a walk in the park but it's life now. It's either us or them, no in between."
I sighed and peered out of the parking lot. We seemed to be high up, which I suppose was a good idea. We were on the middle level of the parking lot, not too low and not too high up.
"I feel bad for the humans, they are probably so scared all the time." I squeaked out and then sat down on the edge of the parking lot.
My feet dangled over the concrete edge and I used my bony hands to feel the rough ground. I felt the breeze and how it almost lifted me off of the ground. I felt like a feather, a dead one if that was possible.
Burt walked up to me and then lauded.
"Those dreams again? This ones real, I feel it. It's so realistic. As the dreams progressed they got more truthful. The first was hard to believe but this one feels true."
I raised an eyebrow as I looked up at him, that was ridiculous sounding.
"Zombies? Of course a boy like you would say that..." I giggled and he nudged me playfully.
It was bright and early in the morning so I suggested we go out to some open lands and have some fun. Maybe we could talk to some other people. He explained how everyone avoided each other, humans and zombies were now mostly antisocial. I found the whole thing strange and explained to him how this couldn't be real life because it would never turn out like this.
I asked him about the government and he said not to talk about it. Apparently, it's too tragic.
"Then what do we do? We literally have nothing to do if we can't talk to other zombies or something."
He thought for a while and then nodded.
"That's true. We usually spend most of our time doing absolutely nothing and rotting away," he explained and then scratched his head behind his ear.
"So what's the point of living? Might as well die if there's nothing else better to do!" I replied angrily and I just wanted to slap him.
He started pacing like I did before, he was probably mocking me but I decided not to mind it.
"Well, there's no point in dying now because if we do we'll die in real life. Just...go along with this," He walked over to me and begged.
Even as a gross, disgusting, and cut up zombie he was still somewhat adorable and I couldn't say no to him.
"So what do we do while we wait for the huge twist in this dream? Oh, right, 'reality'," I teased him and he scoffed.
He explained that maybe they should go try and find other zombies to talk to. I agreed and we were on our way. We walked all the way across the parking lot and as we traveled a few cars passed the building. I assumed that this parking lot was unavailable or something since there were literally no cars in sight. We made it to the grassy backyard of the city (since the parking lot was on the outskirts) and I breathed in the fresh air. It was a so nice to feel the cool air against my body, not just the strange smell of the city and flesh. As we advance way from the city we surprisingly saw more guards. I guess it was nice being a zombie because we could smell humans from miles away. We slithered through the security of the city and made it to a place called Corpse's Lou. It was somewhat a place where so,bikes could meet up and socialize. Humans never dared to go near it because they would immediately get swarmed.
Burt and I arrived to the lake where there was supposedly many other zombies. We saw a few groups but most didn't look very friendly.
We walked up to this group of mostly girls, assuming they were probably nice. There was three girls and as boy. The boy and the smallest girl seemed to be siblings and the other two girls were probably friends or other family.
Burt and I introduced ourselves in a kind and friendly way.
"Go away, we don't want the company of other zombies. We want the rest of our boring life peaceful," the smallest girl replied to us harshly and then motioned for us to leave.
I admit she was nicer than other people I've met in my dreams so far but she took the cake.
We left and I walked up to the waterfront. Although it is hard to tell what I looked like from my reflection I could manage pretty well. I knew I was black haired, sort of a beautifully curled style. I also knew I had freckles, more of a skin problem though since it looked more like a blob. I asked him if I had the skin blob before I was a zombie and he nodded. I also had a very cute little nose, and medium sized lips. I was fascinated by how I looked when I was a zombie.
I turned around to face But and smirked.
"Am I cute? I feel like my butt is too big," I asked to see if Burt would look. Surely, he did and blushed while doing so.
He realized what I did and rolled his eyes at me.
"Wow, you choose to make fun of my love for women now?" He snickered and I giggled.
I hugged him and buried my face into his shoulder. Even though he was rotting and etc he still managed to smell good.
"Actually, I have to admit zombie girls are really cute," he laughed and I laughed along.
We hung out near the lake for a long time. We just talked about funny stories and adorable things. We both don't remember anything about real life as far as I know so it was funny to piece things together.
It got dark pretty soon and he recommended finding shelter. I begged him not to take me back to the parking lot and he agreed. Apparently there was also a hotel in the city that zombies slept in. If the Corpse Lou was here than the hotel had to be there too (it isn't a hotel anymore but it used to be. It's free to stay there now!). As we approached the hotel zombies surrounded the large building. There was a whole layer of zombies just standing there and guarding the whole thing. I gasped in awe at the beautiful sight. The hotel was very high up and a bit destroyed. It still managed to stand up and it was really cool how it could.
"Burt, this is amazing! I love this..." I whispered and gripped his hand.
We walked through all of the undead and then made it inside the building. Surprisingly, it was a lot more empty in the building than outside. We found a room near the top of the hotel and rested there. Then, we told short stories.
I told my short story about how I wanted my childhood to be. It seemed pretty unrealistic to have a normal life now but I really wanted it. I wanted to come home and hug my parents. I wanted to hug a pet and play with a little sibling. I wanted to drink with my older sibling. Most of all, I didn't want people around me to die.
Burt wanted an upbeat life. He wanted to be a mechanic (which he already was) and work in dangerous areas for fun. We seemed to want different things but it made me love him more surprisingly. We talked about all the things we loved; food, warm clothes, drizzles of rain, and calm environments. We both loved peace and tranquility.
"We should get to-" he was stopped by the sudden rumble of the building.
Everything shook, the old and dusty pots around the room fell over and shattered. Zombies screamed outside and everything started to crumble. The room was falling apart so we went under a door and cowered there. The earthquake type thing didn't stop for a long time but when it did we ran outside. The lower decks were gone and we were able to get out of the wreckage in half the time.
There were only four levels to the hotel now, I'm just happy the whole building didn't topple over.
"Wow, we were lucky to survive. Hey, maybe we are just attracting danger. We should leave..." I barely heard from him.
Zombies were screaming and attacking any human near by. It was a human invasion. There were human armies and zombie armies clashing. It was honestly a horrible and bloody sight but I wanted to take part for some reason.
Burt motioned me to go to the parking lot since it was safer but while we were running I got shot by a police man from the distance. I just remember feeling an intense pain in my stomach and falling over. I was conscious enough to see the police officer get killed but I fell unconscious from shock.
I wipe up in the parking lot, alone like I first did but after ten minutes Burt came back. I grinned at him and then stood up. My wound didn't even hurt anymore. He also didn't seem surprised that I was fine, I guess he knew we were totally fine or something. He helped me stand and hugged me.
"Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" He smiled.
When he let go a little boy appeared behind him. The boy was also a zombie but seemed less damaged and etc. because I almost mistook him for a human. He peeked from behind Burt in and askew way so I could only see his face. He had fair hair that was a bit messed up. He was tall for his age probably but he was very skinny and bony. His skin was a lot more life like than mine or Burt's.
"Who's this?" I asked curiously but mostly with concern.
All the people I cared about, except Burt, died in my dreams.
"His name is Donovan. He's a cute little guy, isn't he? I found him alone on the streets and I thought maybe he could stay with us. He's hungry so I thought I could go out for some food while you try to get to know him," he explained and then left without hesitation.
I smiled and motioned for the little kid to come sit next to me.
"So, Donovan, how old are you?" I asked and he held up seven fingers.
I started asking him tons of questions but he usually answered with only a few words. He didn't talk much. I did glean that he used to be in school before he died of a sudden disease. He was brought back as a zombie and then he accidentally ate his baby brother. That sort of made me sick but made my mouth water at the same time. He explained how his family disowned him and how he has been on the run since then. I nodded frequently when he talked and always paid close attention.
"Hey guys! I brought some flesh!" Burt shouted as he walked up to us.
He was carrying a slab of meat and ripped it into thirds. I sighed as I was tossed one bloody chunk. It looked delicious yet horrifying. I groaned and inserted the whole thing into my mouth. It was still mostly tasteless and squishy. I gulped it down and then shook my head with distaste.
"I don't understand how I'm okay with eating humans! It's so stupid!" He barked and lept around angrily. I was mentally breaking down.
Burt ran over to me and comforted me. He hugged me from behind. His arms were around my wrist as i whimpered loudly and howled in sadness. I literally had no life. I couldn't settle down since I would wake up in other dreams.
Eventually, I calmed down and sat against a large pillar in the parking lot. My eyes were red from crying so much. Burt had been playing with Donovan the rest of the day and when it was evening he told the little boy to fall asleep. He walked over to me and sat down.
"I understand this is hard but I believe your suffering will be over soon," he murmured and out a hand on my thigh.
I looked over with a sour look and shrugged.
"I hate this, why does it have to be me? I didn't do anything to the world..." I replied and stared up at his eyes.
He sighed and looked away so I couldn't watch his eyes.
"You've been having these headaches followed by bright lights. Let's just say it has something to do with that," he commented and then wrapped his arm around me.
He pulled me close and I nuzzled close to his chest. I just wanted to go to sleep and wake up in paradise.
I did end up falling asleep but I stayed asleep and woke up the next morning. I guess the action hasn't started yet.
Burt still had his arm around me when I woke up and I poked him to wake him up. He groaned a bit but smiled when he saw me.
"Oh, awake already? Feels like six in the morning!" He chuckled and nudged me a bit.
I laughed along and we talked about the weather. Then, we realized that Donovan was gone. We freaked out at first but then decided to be smart about it and look for him. He couldn't have gone far, right?
We walked out of the parking lot to the fields outside the city. Zombies were scattered around but we couldn't see Donovan anywhere.
We decided to ask others if they had seen a little boy.the first few said no but then a group said they saw Don pass by not too long ago. We followed where they pointed to and eventually go to a large barn. It seemed empty but we would stealth around to not get caught.
First, we circled the whole barn but couldn't find the little boy. We grew worried because we thought maybe some humans shot him. Then, we made our way inside the barn from the back. It was a nice looking house. It didn't have animals in it, it just had a bed and other things. No one was around at all. Finally, when we turned around we saw a large man with a gun pointed to us.
"Y'all seem like nice zombies. Can I introduce myself before getting eaten?" He asked.
The man had a thick southern accent for being northern. He had a large beard and he looked old too.
Burt and I just stared at each other and we gulped.
"I'm Burt, and that's Becky," he pointed to himself and then to me.
The man nodded and used his hand to tip his hat politely.
"Hey, what a coincidence, my name is Rob!" He chuckled and then stepped back.
We slowly walked out of the barn and kept very still and quiet otherwise.
"I assume you're looking for this little kid. He ran up to me and tried to eat him so I sorta..."
We both gasped and growled.
"You shot a kid?!" Burt screamed.
The man shook his head reassuringly.
"I would never! I pinned him to my scarecrow!".
The old man shook his head quickly and waved his hands in front of himself to motion that he did no such thing.
"Of course not! I knocked him out and tied him to my scarecrow."
We both looked at each other and then sighed.
"Alright, can we go see him? We need him back," I asked nicely and politely.
The old man looked like he was about to say no but then nodded and started walking towards a large field. Don was peacefully struggling against the scarecrow frame while hanging there. The young faired hair boy looked over and smiled as he saw us.
"We'll thank you for keeping him safe and stuff. You're really nice for a human to be talking to a zombie. But, I'm not complaining," I giggled and Burt chuckled along.
The old man cackled happily and then untied the ropes from the scarecrow frame, letting the little boy go.
"Eh, no problem. It's not such a big deal. I knew someone had to be taking care of him and I didn't want no mob of zombies rippin' me apart!" He hollered cheerfully.
Don ran over to us and smiled as he hug each of us. I was glad he wasn't killed. Too many people had died in my dreams already, more is just torture. I have to admit, I didn't expect Don to die that easily anyways. I knew the whole time that he would be fine.e okay.
"Hey, Rob, do you think maybe you know the way back to the nearby city? We weren't really paying attention to the road..." Burt asked and the old man told us.
We started walking back with Don but we were quite tired and made very little progress during the morning. By the time we got back we were hungry, tired, and restless all at the same time. We decided to split our 'parental' responsibilities with Don and we should take turns being with him.
Burt said I should go and hunt for someone since I would need the practice either way. He was right I couldn't keep avoiding who I was. Besides, this was a fake world either way so no one would really be dying.
I ventured out to the city when Burt and Don made it to the parking lot. I first looked near the zombie hotel to see if there was any fresh kill I could just borrow. There were many corpses scattered around but no flesh at all. All the bones were picked clean completely.
I finally found a small apartment building in the city that seemed to be partially working and I waltzed in. I was a bit too overly confident about the whole thing but at least I believed in myself.
I crept up the squeaky stairs quietly and hid behind an air conditioning machine for a victim. It was actually warm outside so I didn't find any problem with being cooled off a bit.
After an hour or so a short but all looking man started passing by.
The man looked a lot like Burt but was a miniature version. He had dark hair and stubble around his mouth and on his jaw line. He wore ragged clothes and was probably going out for groceries or something.
I jumped out at him and he screamed. I grabbed onto his neck and started shaking him back and forth. More screams were heard. I closed my eyes for when I started squeezing his neck with all my strength. This probably wasn't how zombies killed people but I was trying to be as humane without being too humane. I heard him choke and sputter for breath. He finally stopped struggling and his body was limp. I panted heavily and rested there for a minute. I couldn't believe what an animal I had become. I was literally a monster both ways.
I lugged the man onto my back and and started heaving him back to the parking lot. It took a while to sneak by other zombies and find a fast route to Burt and Don.
When I made it to the parking lot I pushed aside the creepers that covered the entrance at the bottom. I walked up four flights of stairs and Burt ran over to me hungrily. He ripped off chunks of meat from the stomach and tossed some to Don also. He gave me a few small pieces since he knew swallowing a big one with one bite would be mentally and physically hard for me.
"Geez, that was the worst thing that's ever happened in my dream life so far. I'm glad this is not what I'm really like in real life!" I laughed but Burt didn't seem too amused.
We all ate. It was the same process over and over again. Bite, chew three times, swallow, and shudder.
I became evening by the time we finished our family dinner. I didn't even realize it fully until after dinner but the three of us were technically a family. I don't know how I feel about Burt being the father though, he's not exactly trustworthy. I mean, I do trust him but he's so mysterious.
"Hey, so now since we're kind of a zombie family shouldn't we be having some fun or something? I swear, being a zombie is so boring," I chuckle.
Burt blushed and so did it. Don just laughed and pointed at Burt with a wide smirk.
"Well, Becky, if you want we could definitely have some fun today but you said you don't think zombies are cute," he teased and I stuck my tongue out.
He was clever and cute, not that cute when a zombie but whatever, so it was hard not to giggle and laugh along with his jokes.
That evening we did some group activities that helped us get to know each other. Burt suggested it and it sounded lame but it ended up being a good way to get to know each other.
I got to know quite a few things. First, his favorite color was purple which is same for me. Second, I learned that he really likes things that have to do with technology and fun engineering things like robotics. Same with me! Third, I learned that his favorite activity in the summer is swimming and in the winter he loved snowboarding. At first, I didn't know what those phrases meant but then it all came back to me. Swimming is waving your arms and legs in the water to propel yourself ford and snowboarding is standing on a thin plank and sliding down a large mountain. Finally, I learned that he loves slow and emotional music like me! It was so nice to know that we have so much in common.
At night we told Don to go to sleep and he laid down in a nice and comfy spot. I walked slowly to the edge of the parking lot to where the city air kissed the cement of the parking lot. It was a majestic view to be up so high. Burt walked over to me and we both sat down.
We talked about zombie movies and stuff which I slowly started to remember. The more he mentioned things the more I remembered about them. It was like he was teaching me about things. I was starting to apprehend my life more since I guess that he knew about real life. I found out that real life is magical and beautiful. It's calm and quiet most of the time. It serious yet exciting. Ugly yet romantic. Horrible yet amazing. I got jealous of him since he knew what it was like.
"Hey Burt do you know what real life is like?" I asked quietly and looked up at his dark eyes.
He wanted to avoid the question, I could tell, but I wouldn't allow it and he knew that.
"It's very nice. I wish I could tell you all about it but you'd lose your mind and be crazy," he stammered and then hugged me tightly.
I didn't understand. I would lose my mind? That's such a nebulous thing to say, what's it suppose to mean? Was it too much information at once? Perhaps the real world was too much for me to take. I didn't know but now I was curious.
I was content with that answer so I just sat there and we had another conversation about real life and what it could be. I heeded his words carefully since whatever he said he thought would turn out to be true.
I was candid about what I thought. I thought people were perfect in real in real life. I thought people barely worried about anything since most of it is trivial either way. Burt explained that it wouldn't be real life if it were perfect. People still died in sad and painful ways in real life.
"You can't be so gullible. Theses dreams are tests, real life can still be this bad. But I suppose you are being judicious with your guesses. They're partially right, people are happier and safer in real life."
I nodded and soaked in the information given to me. It was funny how off I was. He explained how the real world really was and I started to grow hateful towards whatever was keeping me here.
"Why do I have to be put through these pointless trials? What have I done?"
"Becky, you're fighting for your life, be grateful you are given chances."
I nodded and rested my pale body against his. He was cool to the touch and nice to feel in the warm air. We we're about to fall asleep when I heard a gunshot. I jumped up onto my feet, expecting Burt to do the same, but he toppled over from the wound in his upper back.
Don was awoken and launched himself at the swat team member with the gun and devouring him. I hugged Burt and tried to help him up. He was weary and very close to death. If he had gotten shot in the head then he would've been long gone but he still had a chance.
"Burt?! Stay with me, Burt! We're going to get you out of here and to the Corpse Lou!" I whimpered softly and picked him up.
Burt was very heavy from muscle but I refused to let Don help. I told him that he should be the body gaurd and warn us if danger was nearby. We started our trip. Taking Burt down the stairs of the parking lot was easy but when we got out to the main road there were so many swat team troops just watching around with guns. We were forced to slyly skip around to where we were invisible to them and ran to the fields near the lake. We got really far, sprinting as fast as we could but it wasn't enough. Some of the humans noticed us and started shooting us. They were really far as so they didn't have good aim but one of them hit Don in the neck and he immediately spiraled down to the ground in a flinging motion (like in the movies). I screamed out in agony. I couldn't carry him and Burt.
" Save Burt..." He coughed and I immediately burst out crying.
Would I be a horrible mother in real life? Would I get my son killed in such a stupid and unacceptable way?
I ran to the lake. My ears were ringing and I felt a headache coming but I wouldn't stop. I dropped Burt onto the ground gently and he groaned a bit. He was in shock and acting loopy which was good. He would be ticked off if he knew I left Don to die.
I fell over next to Burt and gasped for breath. My knees felt like a fiery hell and I just curled up into an uncomfortable ball. It was horrible, the whole situation. The first kid I was responsible for died but I predicted he would. I knew it all along but it so hard on me when it actually happened. I felt like a failure and a horrible parent. I could never trust myself again.
The night passed by, I got the same old head aches and saw the same old lights and heard the same old beeping.
In the morning I woke up with Burt's warm and muscular arms around me. I smiled a bit but then frowned when I remembered what happened.
I turned around to face Burt and he was awake by that point.
"Good morning, princess. Why are we cuddling by the lake? Did I just black out after a good night or something?" He chuckled and blushed a bit.
I tried not to look sad so I maintained a neutral expression.
"No we didn't have the fun you thought we would. You got shot in the back and I carried you here. Remember?"
He thought for a while and then nodded. I explained how Don died slowly but he couldn't believe it. He'd sat up and pushed me away.
"You left him to die? You're such an idiot! Ugh, where is he?!" He screamed
I quailed in fear and he repeated the last sentence a few times. I stayed silent and he grew impatient.
"Why the heck won't you tell me?! Answer me when I'm speaking to you!" He shouted and slapped me.
I felt a burning sensation on my cheek and I fell stomach first onto the grass from the force. It hurt, the slap, but I didn't cry or exclaim at all. I couldn't believe he actually hit me.
After a few minutes I looked up to see him gone. I was completely alone now and so done with these dreams. Now I lost Burt and it hurt more than anything. He was the only person that cared a lot about me. I ruined my chances with him; now we probably can't be friends even.
I slowly stood up and looked around. There were no zombies around at the moment so that meant trouble. I searched the area and went to the field where I left Don. Burt was crouching over Don and hugging the corpse. I slowly walked over but kept my distance.
"It was either you or him and I couldn't chose him. You know that. You would do the same because you love me, right?" I stuttered frequently.
He looked up and his eyes immediately looked angry and intense. He looked like one of those guys that went around beating everyone up.
"You think I love you? Well you're dreaming! No one could love an idiot like you!" He spat out.
I stood there with a blank face and after about three minutes (yes I counted) he sighed and looked up.
"I'm sorry, I'm just angry. I do love you, don't get me wrong, but you left a little kid to die. I would've gladly given up my life for him."
I scoffed. "You're being ridiculous. I can't give you up. Please understand-" I begged.
He held out his hand for me to stop speaking and stood up. He stumbled over to me as if his legs had no bones and then hugged me.
"I'm such a jerk. I didn't mean to slap you. Please forgive me. I've just been so stressed lately and I wasn't thinking clearly obviously."
I just chuckled a bit and buried my face into his shoulder. I like it when we just have nice moments and hugs.
I let go of the hug and stared at Burt with a serious face.
"We should probably find a good place to hide. It's not safe here. The humans seem to have this place on watch," I warned.
We started traveling back to the lake and by that time there were quite a few groups of zombies there. We rested and waited for something interesting to happen. I admit it was getting very boring in this dream and I was tired of it but I obviously couldn't do much about it.
We were talking to each other for at least two hours when someone warned that humans were nearby. We got up and started running and hiding. Humans were killings most of the zombies and Burt and I were lucky to survive. But Burt was right I would gladly give up my life or any of the other zombies.
We got to the other side of the lake and we saw the old man. We ran to him with joy but then something happened.
Rob growled at us and held up his rifle. He threatened to shoot us and we started running. We ran into the thick part of the forest but I was behind Burt. I wasn't as fast as him and I was falling behind. I can recall the ticklish and cold feeling of the eerie fog rolling in as we got to the deepest parts of the forest. I couldn't see Burt anymore but what else could I expect for being slow. I had to rest in this opening to the thick forest. Dead plants and dirt was basically the ground so I decided not to sit down. I leaned against a tree and panted heavily. I bet Rob was still hunting for Burt and I but I didn't care. I wanted the pain to be over.
The whole reason I try to live is because I believe that one day I'll be happy. Knowing that won't be true makes me want to give up. Why haven't I yet?
I started running again and made my way to another opening. There was a fast moving stream. The fish in it seemed to giggle and laugh at me as I tried to find a way to pass. I bet Burt just ran through but I feel uncomfortable potentially killing fish I step on.
I finally found a way across and made it. Rob caught up to me and was about to shoot when I quickly ducked out of the way. I'm pretty sure the only reason I survived was because the old man had bad vision though. I started running again and I eventually found Burt resting in a good hiding spot. I jumped silently next to him and whispered an explanation of what happened. He was shocked at my story and didn't seem to believe me at all. Then, we heard gun shots. Burt got shot in the hand but we started running through the dark forest. It wasn't a jungle like forest but there were creepers everywhere that usually made running difficult. We were often shot at but we kept running if we were shot. Neither of us were shot in the head as we ran through the scary forest.
When we made our way to daylight we saw a different city and ran towards it. By that time, Rob had given up and we were pleased. We found another parking lot and decided to rest there for the night. Our wounds were pretty severe but not as bad as I thought. We could still barely sleep though which was good.
We woke up like yesterday. Burt's arms were wrapped around me and I was all nice and cool in them. We decide to go on a hunting trip for food together. As we set out we started exploring the new city at the same time. It seemed a lot emptier than the last but still lively. We could easily pick out an apartment building to puppy guard in front of.
The plan was that I would come and jump out at an unsuspecting guy. Then, Burt would rip the man up quickly and we would eat them.
We sat down in the alley way and when a young girl passed I jumped on her but she held a knife up to my face so I backed off.
"Ha! I'm actually prepared! No go away!" She shouted and we put our hands out to motion that we wouldn't hurt her.
"Alright geez..." I mumbled.
The girl gasped when I spoke and squealed in a sad way.
"You things can talk?!"
"Clearly. We aren't monsters completely. We're still half human," Burt replied and the girl clenched her knife into her palm tightly.
She started running away and we decided to let her go. We shrugged it off and waited for the next victim. Besides, if the girl was that enough to survive this far we wouldn't mess with her again. She deserved to be left alone.
We waited quite a while for the next victim. It was a pretty young boy, probably fourteen or so.
I jumped on him and the plan worked very well. I'd rather not describe it though...
We devoured the child and then moved on. I don't remember much after that. I remember hearing gunshots and my heart beat when a headache merged with the dream. I felt a huge pain in my stomach and groaned. I could barely stand. I looked down to see a large hole right at the center of my stomach. The gun happened to shot through part of my belly button. I fell over only to feel Burt picking me back up. I would live from this because zombies don't die from bullet wounds unless they were really close to the brain, mainly the head area.
I felt dizzy and I'm pretty sure I was mumbling a lot of nonsense. I just rested in Burt's arms as he tried running. I closed my eyes in hopes to escape from the pain.
And then I woke up.

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