Chapter 7

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Hey guys! I just want to say that there may be some triggers for this chapter... Nothing too bad, don't worry! Just be careful if you feel like you may be triggered. Enjoy the chapter!


Flashback-The date

"Look who's here, Lewis and his toyboy" Tom smirks while a few of his friends laugh behind him.

There's five of them.

They are fucked.

"How lucky I am to find you here, I have an itch to scratch"

"Cmon big bad guy, it's five against two. Do you think it's fair?" Louis says with fake confidence.

"I didn't know your pretty boy started to pick up fights. I guess you're lying, he's too much of a pussy to do that"

Louis is getting angry but he knows better than to lose his cool now.

"He's too much of a queer to fend for himself, the only good thing he has is his pretty face and lean body"

"Tom..." it's a warning. Louis doesn't know if he can control himself longer if that asshole keeps insulting the love of his life.

"Maybe he should start to put that to use since that's the only prospect of a job he has. I mean, the singing shit? Definitely not for him. Who would ever want to listen to him singing?"

Louis is losing his patience, he glances at Harry and sees him looking at floor hiding his face a bit, just taking it.

"Don't you know? People like you, princess, will never be accepted. Nobody wants you to spread your fucking disease. You fucking disgust me, people like you should be left to rot in the sewers like the fucking scum ar-"

Louis can't take it anymore.

Fuck rationality.

"Louis! No!"

He lunges at Tom, hitting him on the face.

The impact of the swing makes the bully fall to the ground.

As a consequence, his friends take him by the shoulders and give him a few punches.

Louis feels a bit disoriented but he faintly hears Harry screaming something like "Stop!" or "Please!"

He can see a little better now.

Tom is standing up, touching his bloody lip.

He looks furious.

He throws three hard punches at him which make him even more disoriented.

Through his blurry vision, he can make out Tom's silhouette glancing at his friends as if communicating something through his eyes.

The jerks throw him on the ground and Louis knows they're going to beat him up hard.

They're about to start when a desperate cry is heard "NO! PLEASE DON'T! TOM, I'M BEGGING YOU. I'LL DO ANYTHING!"

Sobs are heard.

Damn, Harry is crying for the second time that night.

Louis has recovered enough to see Tom smirking maliciously before turning to the crying boy.

"Oh, really? And what could I ever want from a worthless slut like you, uh? What would you offer me?"

Harry stares at the ground, still crying.

Louis needs to stand up and intervene before something bad happens.

"H-How about you get to beat me up instead of him? H-He's exhausted, please"

"NO!" Louis protests weakly from the ground.

"SHUT UP!" Tom yells at him, then returns to Harry.

"You're asking me to beat you up? What's this? A Romeo and Juliet-type of story? Are you together or something?" Tom chuckles sarcastically.

Everybody is silent.

"Ooooh, that's interesting" the bully barks out a creepy laughter.

"Mess him up a bit" Tom tells his friends pointing at Louis but keeping the intense gaze he has on Harry.

"What?! No! Please!" Harry shouts but it's no use, the gang has already started to kick Louis relentlessly.

"NOOO!" Harry is screaming at the top of his lungs while kneeling on the ground and clutching his ears.

"Stop, leave now"

Tom's friends look at him questiongly and confusedly.


They do.

The only sounds that can be heard in the deserted alley are Louis' ragged breaths and Harry's soft cries.

"What should I do with you?" Tom thinks aloud.

"Please, you've done a lot already! If you keep doing this, he'll pass out! I'm begging you!" Harry screams at Tom.

"You gotta give me something in return, baby" the bully touches Harry's hair softly.

What the fuck?

Louis is watching them horrified.

He can't possibly be hinting at what he's thinking, right?

Tom is not gay. He despises LGBTQA people.

And yet it seems like...

"You're so blind Harry. I've tried so hard to make you see but you're too oblivious to see" Tom lifts the younger boy's chin to make him look at him.

"What are you talking about?" Harry frowns in confusion.

"I like you, princess"

Louis gasps from the ground while Harry seems to be frozen with wide eyes.

"W-What?! I can't- you- w-what are you saying?! A-Are you out of your mind?!"

"I'm serious" Tom says with no hint of amusement in his tone.

Oh, he's not joking.

"Then you're crazy! You're a bully! How can you even think that I would ever like you!"

"You don't understand. You don't have a say in this" Tom says sternly.

Tom grabs Harry's face and forcefully kisses the struggling lad.

Louis needs to do something.

He tries to stand up but fails, he's in so much pain.

Harry is punching at Tom's sides to get him to stop kissing him but it only makes the bully grab his his wrists and pin him to the ground, straddling him.

Blocking him.

Tom finally interrupts the 'kiss' to regain his breath.

"STOP IT!" Harry shouts through Tom's and his own panting.

"You want this, trust me. What could that brat give you anyways? Bet he can't even fuck you good" He says releasing Harry's wrists and starting to unzip his pants.

'Okay Louis, try again now! We can't let this happen!'

But even if Louis tries with all his might, he can't do it.

He may have a few bruised ribs.

'Please God, make someone come here to save us, to save him' Louis prays in his head.

But God doesn't help him.

Harry does.

The younger boy, seeing as Tom has freed his wrists, knees the bully on the crotch making him tumble to the ground.

Harry stands quickly and punches Tom square in the face, knocking him out.

He then goes to Louis helping him stand up, supporting him.

"Let's go"

"How did you-"

"Let's go, Lou"

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