request page

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Welcome to my one shot book about Obey Me!

This is the page you will be leaving your request on.

First let me set the ground rules:

1) No female reader insert. The book is strictly male. I've actually have people ask for a female reader despite the book being a male reader insert.

2) Please be respectful in the comments. I've actually have seen people fight there and when I try to stop it I end up getting dragged in.

3) If I ever write a authors note in this book, PLEASE read it. I usually don't write authors notes but when I do it's important. In my MHA one shot book I posted a very important authors note but not much people read it. They clicked on but saw it wasn't a new chapter and clicked off. Some people did read it so thank you for those who did.

Ok that's all the rules for now. I'll add more later on if necessary.

Before I forgot. Don't attack me and say I haven't been updating my other books, I posted the reason why on my profile.

But anyways, I'll be updating this book later today or tomorrow if I even get request 😳

Obey Me! x Male Reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now