Leviathan x Shy! Male reader

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Title: The otaku transfer is a demon!

Requested by: Izuku_Midoryia_UA

AU where Levi is the transfer student to the human world and your his classmate. Note that, the school had lied and told you that he's from Japan, so that means you're somewhere that isn't Japan.

~~~your POV~~~

Today was the day the school was gonna get two transfer students from Japan! I've always seen this in animes and manga but I never thought it would happen. Though I doubt I'll even speak to them. My social skills are complete garbage. I couldn't even ask my teacher if I could use the bathroom!!

"Ah, [Male Name]. May I speak with you?" My teacher asked.

"U-um! Yes s-sir!" I said as he nodded.

"As you're aware we are having two transfer students. One of them already has someone showing them around the school while the other doesn't." He said.

"Y-you don't want m-me to show them around t-the school, do you?!" I said as I raised my tone a little bit.

"Yes I do [Male Name]. You may not want to but this will help you more than it will help the transfer student. You need to learn how to talk to people. You couldn't even ask me to use the bathroom." He said as I sighed.

"I-I guess I can give i-it a try." I said and he smiles.

"Good. Well good afternoon [Male Name] you can leave now." He said and I nodded.

"G-good afternoon sir!" I say before pacing out the room.

"HAAAAAA!!!" I groan after walking out the classroom.

"T-the transfer student is g-gonna hate me!!" I say as I make my way to my dorm room. Each room could hold two people but I don't have a roommate, thank god. Majority of the guys in my school always sleep with a bunch of girls that go to the school and I do not want to wake up to that. On top of that, I'm an otaku. It doesn't sound bad but kids in my school would attack me and tease me about it. Plus my room is a mess, well my side that is. Yes I've divided the room to where I have my own side, despite me being the only one in it but that's because there are two beds in the room which already signaled the division!! I have a bunch of manga and games laying around.

"Yoo! [Male Name]!! The professor said to be ready for tomorrow!! He also said you could go straight to your room after you're done with the tour." Rei said.

"A-ah!! Okay!!" I said and threw myself on my bed.

"Huwaa!! Why me!!" I yelled into my pillow. I might as well sleep now since I have nothing better to do.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Well it's time for the tour of the school now. Yay... This sucks! There no avoiding it so I might as well find the kid. I walk out the dormitory and I'm stopped by a guy with blue hair. He grabs me by my shoulders and moves closer.

"Ah! You must be [Male Name]. The teacher said you would be coming out of the dorms right! Why couldn't you have been more earlier. I had to deal with those damn normies staring at me till no tomorrow." The guy said.

"I-I'm sorry!! I d-didn't mean to wake up late!" I said as he let's go of me.

"Whatever normie. Let's go." He said and turns around

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