Asmodeus x shy male reader

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Title: opposites

Requested by: Carasketch

~~~Your POV~~~

"A-Asmo where are we going?" I asked as Asmodeus pulled me into his room.

"We're going shopping! Well me! I need your help to carry the stuff I buy!" Asmodeus said as he started changing.

"A-A-ASMO! Could you have not changed before getting me?!" I asked as I covered my eyes. Huhee! I could feel my face turning red!!

"Eeh! Is little [Male Name] getting flustered?! Only makes sense since I'm here!" Asmodeus said I felt his hands remove my hands from covering my eyes. He finished changing.

"W-why don't you get B-Beel to help you? He's t-ten times stronger then me." I said as he smiled.

"Because I want to spend time with you my little kitten!" Asmodeus smiled as he held my hand.

"H-how you do not go bankrupt like Mammon when you go shopping." I asked as he laughed.

"That's easy! I'm not as dumb and pathetic as Mamon!!" He laughed as we walked out his room.

~~~Time Skip~~~

We had made it to a mall and a bunch of people would walk up and talk to Asmo. Some people walk up to praise and flirt with him while others greeted him.

"Asmo, how could you handle the stares and talking to so much people?" I asked as he turned around to look at me.

"When you're as good looking as me, people can't help but approach me and look at my beautiful face! You get used to it after a while." Asmo said and I nodded in response.

"Ah! We're here!" Asmo said as he entered a clothing store. I followed behind him and he was gone.

"A-Asmo? ASMO!?" I cried out as I looked for him.

"Huhaa! Don't leave me alone here!!" I said as I kept looking. I was then turned around and felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"[Male Name]! Are you okay?!" It was Asmo! I pushed his hands off my shoulders and hugged him.

"A-ASMO! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THAT!!" I cried into his chest as he laughed.

"Hahaha! You're so cute already but when I hold you, you look even cuter in my arms." He said. Without realizing, I was no longer crying but I was flustered.

"Shopping can wait for another day. Let's go back home!" Asmo said as I let go of him.

"Ok." I said and he held my hand.

~~~Time Skip~~~

When we got back Asmo walked me to my room and he walked into my room. He laid on my bed as I took of my sweater.

"[Male Name]."

"Yes Asmo?"

"Do you remember how we met?"

"A-ah! Yeah." I said with a blush forming on my face.

"Can you remind me!" Asmo grinned as I sat on the bed.

"I don't wanna say it." I said and he nodded.

"I knew you didn't want to say it. Just wanted to check if you would. But I'll remind you!" Asmo said.

"When you first came the the Devildom, you were like Levi! You isolated yourself from everyone and didn't come out of your room because of how scared you were. You didn't eat for a week! That was until I snuck into your room and slept next to you!" Asmo laughed.

"A-Asmo, you woke me up and threatened to sleep in my room every night if I didn't come out my room." I said recalling that memory.

"You complied but I really wish you didn't so I could sleep by your side~" Asmo winked at me as I blushed.

"Lucifer would kill you!" I said as Asmo pulled me into his chest.

"He would kill me because I made you mine before he could get you." Asmo said jokingly.

"Asmo? Why do you hang out with me despite having your brothers who are better people to hang around than me?" I asked as he hit my head.

"Don't say that! I like being around you darling! I get his feeling when I'm around you that I get only around you. Is it love? Definitely! Is it lust? Maybe~!" Asmo said as he hid my face in his chest. Asmo then sat up and pulled me into a quick kiss. He pulled away and got up.

"A-Asmo!" I said with a blush.

"Let's continue in my room. I doubt you have condoms in your room~"

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