Satan X Male reader

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Title: The Demon and writing prodigy

Requested by: NafiChan

Warnings: topic of eating disorders, neglect, abuse and bullying.

~~~Satan's POV~~~

To think that a writing prodigy from the human world would be the exchange student. Though pictures of the writer were never available due to the fact that the writer didn't want to be interviewed or have any book signings I don't mind. The only information about them is their name, [Insert Full Name]. His writing has won him many awards and even made prospector's very liked by women and men. But when will he get here?

"Satan." I hear a knock on the door and my name being called.

"Come in." I say as I close my book and putting it next to me. It was Lucifer. I glared at him and he shook his head.

"Satan. The exchange student is here and please don't kill him. He isn't a nice one." Lucifer says.

"WHO THE HELL DOES THAT PATHETIC HUMAN THINK HE IS CALLING ME MONEY HUNGRY, BROKE AND IN DEBT?!" Mammon yelled as he stormed off to his room. I chuckle before getting up and walking outside. I walk to the front door to see the exchange student. I walk down to get a better look at him. He notices me and flinches.

"W-why are you l-looking at m-me!?" He yells nervously.

"Just taking in your features." I say. He has quite nice [H/C] hair with beautiful [E/C] eyes.

"It's r-rude to stare you know! Y-you probably t-think I'm the m-most ugliest guy y-you've ever seen!" He yells while pointing at me.

"Oi! I don't!" I say.

"Don't lie to me! T-that's what e-everyone believes!" He says before walking out the front the door.

"Geez, this is the ultimate writing prodigy from the human world. Now I understand what Lucifer meant by 'not a nice one'." I say before walking back to my room. Well he's gotta come back sooner or later.

~~~Time Skip~~~

It was now dinner and [Male Name] still isn't back. He left hours ago and you'd think he'd be back by now.

"Eh? What's this! That boy isn't back as yet?!" Asmo asked in a surprised tone.

"Who cares. That kid can get eaten by demons for all I care." Mammon said before getting a smack on the head by Lucifer.

"I care! Lord Diavolo cares! If he dies then this whole program will go to waste." Lucifer yells.

"I'm gonna go find him." I say before getting up.

"Satan. You don't have to. I can ask Diavolo to send out Barbatos to find him." Lucifer says.

"Shut up. You'll be wasting more time like that." I say and go to open the door only to leave but find [Y/N] behind it.

"Oh, [Y/N]! You're back! I was just gonna go looking for you." I tell him. I looked at him and noticed a few books in his hand.

"Ah! You went to the library didn't you?" I asked him.

"Y-yeah. There is no o-other place I can g-go where not much people are." He says and I nod.

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