Belphegor x Blind Male Reader

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Title: Blinded by Love

Art by: danny_d.r on Instagram

~~~3rd POV~~~

Belphie had walked into a park as he looked for a certain [H/C] haired male, clutching the bouquet of flowers. After looking and walking by some people, he found him. The blind boy sitting on blanket like many others in the park.

"[Y/N]. I'm here." Belphie said as the other male looked at Belphie.

"Oh Belphie! I'm so glad you could make it." [Y/N] said as Belphie sat down next to him.

"So? How have your brothers been Belphie?" [Y/N] asked.

"You know them, chaotic as usual. And you knowing me, I slept through all of it." Belphie said as [Y/N] laughed.

"Of course of course! You aren't the avatar of sloth for nothing." [Y/N] said as he played with his cane.

"You know its boring without you right?" Belphie asked.

"Really? I thought Beel would be able to keep you company while I'm gone." [Y/N] said.

"You know that Mammon actually misses you right?" Belphie said.

"Really? I thought he'd be happy as long as he has his credit card." [Y/N] laughed.

"Its practically worthless cause it has no money inside."

"I know but still. His credit card is like one the things that makes him happy."

"Guess you're right." Belphie sighed.

"You remember our first date right?" [Y/N] asked to which he nodded.

"Yeah. Our first date was in your bedroom. Because you were blind, Lucifer forbidden you to leave the house." Belphie laughed recalling all the times [Y/N] attempted to sneak out the house with Mammon and Belphie only to get caught cause of Lucifers overprotective nature and the tapping of his cane.

"Even though god closed a door on me. He opened a window for me as well." [Y/N] said before Belphie laughed.

"Ha, you always said that whenever anyone pity you cause of your disability." Belphie said.

"You know that, I always wanted us to have a date like this. Right Belphie?" [Y/N] asked to which Belphie nodded.

"Yes. I would have loved to take you to a park where we could lay down for hours. But we can't because...You're gone now...But I'll be waiting for the day you become an angel." Belphie said.

As reality struct Belphie was no longer at a park sitting down with [Y/N] but yet sitting in a cemetery in front of a gravestone with the name [Y/N] [L/N].


After [Y/N] one year in the Devildom, he went back to the human realm. He stayed at his older sisters house because she was one of the only family members he had left. He didn't mind because he loved his sister and she was always there for him.

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