Chapter 29

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He moves in flash-time, realizing what he must do. Kara is surprised to say the least when she suddenly finds herself in flash time. She glances around, noticing everyone and everything is frozen in time, along with the growing singularity. None of that matters though because Barry is grasping onto her like his life depends on it and she knows exactly what he's about to do. "Please Barry...." She pleads, not wanting to see him kill himself, even if it means saving everyone.

"I love you!" He says as he cups her face with his gloved hands, not wanting to let her go. Kara presses her lips onto his passionately, and for a moment, he forgets everything. He forgets about the massive singularity in the sky, and what he must do. And then he remembers, and he cries as he slowly pulls away from the kiss. "I love you Kara Zor-El."

He let's go, although he is reluctant, not wanting to lose her touch, and she is suddenly frozen in time along with everything else. Then, he begins to run, faster than ever before. No holding back like he usually had to in order to prevent constant destruction, this time he had to run as fast as he could. There was only one thought constantly running through his mind. I have to save everyone. I have to save her.

This feeling was worse than anything he had ever felt but he kept going till he felt pure Speed Force energy in every cell of his body. He begins to feel little jolts of pain at first as he begins quickening more and more. His skin begins to peel away and float into the air as he runs. He slams his eyes shut and imagines Kara, and that keeps him going. He pushed forward, past the pain despite how damn bad it hurts and he takes his final footsteps on Earth.

As he jumps into the singularity, he disintegrates into nothing, all that is left of him is the shredded torso of his suit. The sheer force he created from his run, summons the speed force in its entirety and eradicates the singularity, the darkness swirling into nothing, until its pure silence, and the piece of Barry's suit billows in the wind as it falls to the ground.

Everyone is shocked, completely stuck in place as they see the smoke clear and the speed force lightning disappear. It was not the unbroken pavement or the buildings that were still intact, or even the clear blue sky, all because of Barry, that drew Kara's eyes. No, It was the red and gold torso of Barry's suit that lay tattered on the street in front of them.

"No..." Kara was the first to speak and the first to approach it. She dropped to her knees on the asphalt, taking the shredded red nanotech layer into her arms and cried. She ran her fingers over the lightning bolt delicately then screamed, busting car windows in the process. The pain is like a thousand tons dropping on her heart, she lets her heat vision escape her eyes, destroying a nearby car.

"Barry!" Lena floats down, searching around frantically when out of the corner of her eye she catches Kara kneeling down in front of a blackened and charred part of the street with Frost slowly walking up to her. Her heart sinks as she sees what Kara is clasping onto. Everyone moves slowly, joining in on Kara's cries of despair as she clutches his shredded suit in her hands. The Flash, Barry Allen is dead. The savior of Central City is gone, reduced to nothing but his emblem. On this day, in this dark hour, a hero died.

Kara cried and cried for what felt like hours inside of Star Labs instead of getting sleep. She couldn't sleep, not when she had to attend the funeral for the man she loved most in life in just a few days. She could still smell him on their bed and in Star Labs. The ozone from lightning, and something that was all Barry and that made her cry harder. She would live with the constant reminder that Barry had sacrificed himself to save her and everyone on Earth-Prime. "Hey Kara?" Caitlin said in a small, broken voice, her eyes red from crying. "Are you alright?"

Kara sniffles, looking up from Star Labs marble floor to the woman before her and holds her arms out. Caitlin moves forward, the two melding together in a moment of vulnerability. "I miss him." She heard Caitlin whimper, leaning her head on the Kryptonian's shoulder. "I know that's a shitty and stupid thing to say right now but-"

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