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Corbyn got the tattoo and he went home. Noen was the one to give him the tattoo so that was great.

Chase and Charli stayed as Noen and Corbyn left, walking home.

"So how are u and Daniel?" He asked, looking down.

'My boyfriend.' Corbyn thought.

"Oh we're fine. Great actually." He said smiling.

"Did he tell you?" Noen asked.

"Uh..yeah. hes pregnant." Corbyns smile grew bigger.

"Yeah, he is.." Noen spoke. "But you can't just be with Daniel. If Chase sees or hears about this..this baby will die before you know it." He said.

He was right and Corbyn knew it. He knew he shouldn't be dating Daniel but he wanted to. There was no stopping him in doing so. Corbyn knew he would protect him and The baby at all costs.

"This is a real life Dorbyn baby." Corbyn smiled.

"Stop doing that!!" Noen warned. "Dont say things randomly. Because one day Chase will hear and-"

"You dont think I know that Noen?" Corbyn said.

"Im just saying..jeeze.." Noen said.

The two boys got home and made sure they didn't make any noise for Daniel.

"Shh!" Corbyn said to Noen.

"I didnt do anything!!" Noen protested in a whisper.

"Shh!!" Corbyn said again as he went upstairs.

Noen went to his room as Corbyn went inside the room he shared with Daniel.

He wasn't there.

"Daniel?" Corbyn whispered.

No response.

"Daniel?" Corbyn said allowed.

"Corbyn?" Noen spoke. "Whats wrong?"

"Daniel isnt here." Corbyn paniced.

"Hey, hey calm down. Im sure hes just in the bathroom." Noen said.

Noen and Corbyn looked all over the house.

"Well?" Corbyn said, shaking.

"Nothing.." Noen said.

Corbyn ran to the living room as he found a note.

Hey baby, its Daniel. This is just a silly note to tell u that I went for a night time stroll. Dont bother looking for me, nor bother even staying up. Im okay. I love u Corbyn.

Corbyn read the note.

"What is it?" Noen asked.

"He went for a night stroll." He said.

"Oh, then lets go to bed." Noen said, walking to the bedroom.

Corbyn stopped him.

"No! Are u insane? Who knows where he went. Maybe something bad happened." Corbyn said worried.

"Corbyn it says he went on a night time stroll." Noen said.

"Yes but we dont know what time he left!! It could be hours!!" Corbyn said as his tattoo ached.

"Here u need to relax. Or else ur blood will drop more." Noen said as he sat Corbyn down.

"No, no what if hes hurt?!" Corbyn said. "Noen please." Corbyn cried.

"You really love him...dont you." Noen said.

"With all my heart." Corbyn cried.

Noen sighed. He didnt want to go back but he had no other choice.

"C'mon we're going to Avani's." Noen said. "Again."

Corbyn nodded, dashing through the door as he ran with Noen to Avanis house.

Corbyn fell down as he bumped into someone.

"Oh im so sorry." The person said as they helped Corbyn up.

"Its fine." Corbyn said.

Noen catched up as he looked at the person.

"Mattia." Noen said.


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"Neon." Mattia smirked.

"Its Noen!!" Noen protested.

Corbyn looked at Mattia and saw that he also had a tattoo.


What does that mean?

Noen pulled Corbyn away from Mattia as Mattia chuckled.

"What are u doing? Joker." Mattia laughed.

Noen got angry. "Leave you stupid bitch." Noen said as he left with Corbyn.

Corbyn could still hear the laughs of Mattia in the distance.

"Who is he?" Corbyn asked.

"Mattia." Noen said.

"No like, who is he?" Corbyn said.


"C'mon Noen!! Im a king!! I deserve to know." Corbyn said.

"So lil Moneys actually a king now?" Noen asked.

"Yes. Yes I am." He said

Noen sighed. "Hes a member of Blood."
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