South Parks Controversy with Satire.

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w O a H.

I'm actually... Alive? Crazy.

Okok I know that with quarantine I literally have no excuse for updating so late but honestly I've just been working on my self, Mentally, Physically and Emotionally. I really appreciate those of you who have came back to read about my a n g e r. So thank you so much for all the support❤❤❤. AnYwAyS-

It's literally been forever since I've been back on wattpad. H e c k- I even have a new username and profile pic. But it's been even longer since I've been on Tumblr. Yes- T U M B L R.

So I was scrolling through Tumblr and I found someone who was angry because South Park, Camp Camp and Pewdiepie use satirical comedy. In fact, they were so angry that they said if you are an apologist for South Park, Camp Camp and/or Pewdiepie then they hope you get hit by a car :D

I love Tumblr. It's great. It really is.

For E x a m p l e:

For E x a m p l e:

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So since I have this book- and I disagree with their claim

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So since I have this book- and I disagree with their claim. I guess I'm an apologist for South Park?

Watch a car skkrt skkrt over me guys :)

No but seriously, I get where this person is coming from. At least I understood where this person was coming from until they mentioned "#your main bit shouldn't be satire with an audience mainly compacted of those under 18"

Now although I love Camp Camp and I watch Pewdiepie, this isn't their book. This is a South Park book. So I'm going to be an 'apologist' for South Park and South Park only.

Matt and Trey did not create South Park for children. That was never their intention. They wanted to create a show for ADULTS. Hulu, the platform that most people watch South Park on, even put a warning in front of every single South Park episode

 Hulu, the platform that most people watch South Park on, even put a warning in front of every single South Park episode

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Even if South Park ISN'T on Hulu or for some reason Hulu decided not to add the warning. Matt and Trey add a warning themselves

Matt and Trey are not responsible for children watching South Park

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Matt and Trey are not responsible for children watching South Park. That's the parents decision. Personally, I watched South Park before I was 18 and I turned out fine. Though I am still a minor, I know enough to know that being antisemitic, racist, sexist and/or homophobic- well, that's kinda icky guys.


That's not just icky. That's downright awful. But blaming the show for having a younger audience isn't there fault, especially in South Parks case where they add not 1, but 2 warnings.

South Park started off as a satirical show from the beginning- they aren't gonna change it just because parents allow their children to watch whatever they want. Matt and Trey aren't their dads, they're just the creators and whether parents allow their children to watch South Park or not has nothing to do with them.

Obviously I'm not gonna tag the person who made this post or reveal their name (when have I ever done that??) But if the person who made this post happens to be reading this book. Doubtful, but just in case- You are entitled to your opinion. I agree that children can't fully process satirical comedy until a certain age (I personally believe it's younger than 18 but that's not the point.) However, telling people that you hope a car comes their way isn't okay at all. Not in the slightest.

You can hate my guts, you can hate the entire South Park community, you can even hate Matt and Trey. But wishing serious injury upon someone because they disagree with you isn't okay.

Now, let me say something that I hope everyone reading this can agree on:
Just because it's a cartoon, doesn't mean it's for children.

Alright! We good? Yeah? Cool.

Now I'm probably gonna respond to a couple comments in the next chapter, maybe grab some comments from the previous chapters I've written too. But if you have something to say, a question, comment, whatever-  feel free to comment on this post and I'd most likely respond to you in the next chapter!
Bye 💕💕💕

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