Ship Wars

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Can someone please explain to me the point of ship wars?!? Like- being interested in a certain ship is an opinion and people have different opinions. You don't have to attack a person because they ship a different ship than you.

For e x a m p l e , I'm in multiple South Park Aminos and some Creek and Style shippers can be so t o x i c. I am personally a Style and Creek shipper myself and even I don't understand why they attack others. It's NOT just Creek and Style shippers but they seem to be the majority that is causing problems with the following ships, Ships like: Stendy, Cryde, Kyman- ESPECIALLY KYMAN.

I feel like Kyman gets too much shit than needed to. Kyman isn't the best ship, I don't even ship it. But the Kyman hate train needs to s t o p.

"B-b-BuT tHe sHiP iS aBuSivE!1!!1" lol no it's not? I've read literal fanfictions where Craig hurts Tweek or Stan abuses Kyle. But nobody says anything about that. So how come Kyman is abusive? I might talk about that in another chapter. Let's focus back on the topic.

Ship wars are s t u p i d-

I don't think what I'm ranting about is such an unpopular opinion but I'm ranting about it anyways, sorry.

Anyways thank you for coming to my TED Talk. This book will mostly consist of me just ranting so enjoy the crack head energy this book has =)

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