Clenny is an Unpopular Ship™

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I know Clenny isn't THAT unpopular but it doesn't get enough attention that it deserves.

For e x a m p l e, I feel like in comparison to Bunny (Butters x Kenny) or Clybe (Clyde x Bebe), Clenny doesn't get enough recognition. This is most likely because Clyde and Kenny don't really interact with each other in the show but to be fair, Clybe was canon for a while (idk if it still is?) and Kenny and Butters interact with each other a lot so it makes sense that those two ships are more popular.

I just wish that it got more recognition. There's barely any Clenny fanfiction and close to zero pieces fanart. Just that statement alone really reminds me what time it is.

Sad boi hours. That's what time it is. Sorry that was a stupid joke- let's continue.

I just feel like it's been literal years since I've read a new Clenny fanfiction. So if you guys know a Clenny fanfiction that isn't getting that many reads (or if you wrote a Clenny fanfic) I would be happy to read it.

I have the coolest headcanon for this ship too! Like- just imagine that Kenny sells porno magazines to Clyde. He does this not only to make money but to also have an excuse to talk to Clyde. That scenario is so sinful yet so wholesome all at the same time and I love it.

Anyways, I wish you a happy thanksgiving. I know that this rant isn't as long as the past two chapters but I promise I'll figure out something else to be angry and rant about haha. Bye!

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