A Surprise

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You thought about skipping tonight's meeting. 

You didn't want Daring to get any more attached to you than he already had. After all, he was supposed to one day become king with Apple as his queen. And even though you didn't want to follow through with your destiny, you didn't want Daring to lose his. 

But, despite your doubts, you decided that it'd be best to go. If he showed any sort of feelings for you, then you could let him down easy before you left. 

As you entered the Grimmnasium, you felt a wave of embarrassment crash over you as Daring stood and waved an arm frantically towards you, "[Y/n]!"

You tried your best to shield your face from the other's stares. You quickly made your way over to your table and yanked his arm to make him sit back down. 

After letting out an anxious breathe, you gave him a glare. "You trying to alert the entire school that I'm here?"

"Well, " he leaned back in his seat, "beautiful damsels, usually are princess, and princess usually have introductions whenever they enter a room. So..." He shrugged his shoulders a bit.

You dropped your glare to a sympathetic look. It looked like you had to break the bad news to him.


"Oh, wait wait! Before we continue, I got you something!" He grabbed something and held it behind his back as he stared at you with excitement.

You let out a sigh and tensed your shoulders. "I don't know about that, Da-"

"No, trust me." He leaned in closer to you, "You're going to love it!"

Relaxing back into the chair, you allowed him to pull out his gift. He grabbed your hand and slipped a ring onto your finger.

"Ta-da!" His enthusiasm fell onto deaf ears. You stared in horror at your finger. The ring was absolutely beautiful, there was no denying it. The band was an antique gold color with cute little (f/c) crystals adorning the sides. The main gem was pure white, and it felt heavy. It was a hollow tear drop shape and was huge in size.

This was definitely not good.

"The moment I saw it, I thought of you. Do you like it?" You looked up into Daring's expecting eyes. His smile was one of the biggest you had ever seen.

You started shaking your head at him, "Daring, I'm so sorry."

His smile dropped, "What's the matter? Is it not to your liking?" He had grabbed your hand with both of his and stared at the ring, but you took it out of his grasp.

"I, well." You couldn't meet his gaze, "I don't like you in that way."

You cupped your hands close to your chest. You tried to find the words to tell him. You wanted to tell him that you thought he was a great guy, and that any girl would be lucky to have him, but the words couldn't find their way out.

Daring's hands met yours. "No. I'm the one that's sorry, (Y/n)."

Finally looking at him, you could see that he was giving you a sad and concerned expression.

"But, I don't like you in that way either."


One of his hands came up to cup your cheek, "I didn't mean for you to get the wrong idea. Truly, any advancements I made were towards friendship."

Looking into his eyes, realization finally dawned on you.

You felt your face heat up from embarrassment. Now you felt like a jerk who had just assumed something out of nothing. You once again refused to meet his gaze, but this time for different reasons.

"I-I'm sorry." It came out as just a whisper, but Daring had heard it.

You pulled yourself away from him and gathered up your things. How could you have done this to yourself? You felt like such an idiot.

"(Y/n), wait." Daring tried to subtly stop you. He didn't want to gather attention from the students around the two of you and risk making you feel any worse.

Your mouth felt dry, but you forced the words out, "No. I need to go. R-really."

He tried to continue in his efforts of stopping you, but nothing worked, and you were gone withing a minute. 

Daring continued to stare at your retreating form until it disappeared behind the doors.

You continued walking as fast as you could. Your face still felt hot and the rest of your body was trembling. You almost felt like crying. Of course the future king would never try to pull romantic moves on you. He had Apple as a future wife and queen. And your were the girl who was given an inch and made a mile out of it.

Your eyesight started to become a bit blurry as a few tears started to build up. However, they stopped as your finger started to glisten.

Wiping the wetness away from your eyes, you gazed down at the ring on your finger.

Oh, curses! You still had Daring's ring.

A Charming Smile [Yandere! Daring Charming x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now