Chapter 10 -Legend No More!

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The transformed Goku renews his battle with Frieza and proves now to be far superior to Frieza's power.

The transformed Goku renews his battle with Frieza and proves now to be far superior to Frieza's power

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Frieza launches several counterattacks at Goku, but they have no effect at all. As the tyrant stares in awe at his more-powerful opponent, he realizes that his worst nightmare has come true - a Super Saiyan, which Frieza had long secretly feared, has finally been born. In a desperate attempt to defeat Goku, Frieza hurls an attack down upon Namek itself, in an effort to destroy the planet and everyone on it.

With Gohan

Gohan: What the heck?

Bulma: What's going on?!

Dende: The planet is about to blow up.

Y/n finally regained brain activity and woke up.

Y/n: What the? Where the? How the? When the?

Bulma: You have finally awoken! Great we may just need a lot of backup getting out of here.

Y/n: Wait were still on Namek?

Gohan: Y/n your awake!

Y/n: Yeah, but my body feels like a pain, where is Krillin? Where is Goku?

Gohan: Oh Krillin is...gone...and my dad well his fighting Frieza right now?

Y/n: He is?! That's a death wish, you saw how he struggled with Frieza before and you still chose to leave him!

Bulma: No, no Gohan told me Goku had gotten this new power boost that turned his hair golden and stuff.

Y/n: Golden hair? Sounds familiar but I don't think I ever seen something like that but if I haven't why does it sound so familiar?

Gohan: I think you should focus less on thinking about what this form is and more on helping us out of here.

Lava flow shot out of the ground right next to the where the group was standing. Y/n quickly stood up feeling much more power pact and ready to fight than ever before.

Gohan: How are we escaping?

Y/n: We can use Frieza's ship... I'll go find it!

Back with the fight

Frieza's attack on Namek detonates the planet's core.

Frieza: By the looks of it this Planet will blow up in five minutes?

Goku: Great just enough time for me to beat you.

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