Chapter 25 -Enter The Super Ascended Saiyan

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Cell: Impressive.

Y/n: I already knew that.

Cell: I am delighted we could have this conversation before your sudden demise I mean your sudden death, like seriously you vs me will end in a casualty of de-

Y/n: Well Cell it seems like your having a bit of a struggle shutting up. Here let me help you-

Before Y/n could react Cell had already implanted his fist into his stomach.

Cell: You see your reaction time was a little too late, showing me that form of yours isn't as great as you make it seem, consider this a warning shot y-

Before Cell could even react, Y/n had now implanted his fist into Cell' stomach area.

Y/n: You see your reaction time was a little too late, showing me that form of yours isn't as great as you make it seem, consider that a warning shot you-

Cell: You are truly trying to get on my nerves.

Y/n: Am I?

Y/n and Cell used their free arms and punched one another by the chick bone. The power implanted in both punches was strong enough to push both fighters back.

Cell charged forward and headed in with a punch that Y/n quickly blocked. Y/n still in the blocking position moved his leg up for a chin to knee attack, but Cell as well blocked the incoming attack and with his tail slapped Y/n to the side

The young Saiyan stopped himself from moving back any further. Cell charged forward and tackled Y/n into the island dirt. Y/n instantly double kneed Cell in the gut, blasting the bug monster into the sky.

Cell stopped himself in mid shot and aimed both of his palms forward and released multiple yellow ki blasts. The Saiyan looked up as a rain of ki balls came showering down towards him.
Y/n flew up towards the blasts dodging them as he proceeded his way towards his foe.

Cell caught site of Y/n's arrival and charged up a green ki attack by his left palm. The green tyrant released the attack in a beam form coursing Y/n to react fast and release a yellow ki beam of his own countering Cell' attack and making a massive explosion between the two.

Cell: You are impressing me a lot.

Y/n: The amount of compliments I've gotten today is impressive by itself.

Cell: When this smoke between us disappears I'm gonna strike you with my best shot.

Y/n: Right.

The smoke cloud slowly faded and shockingly there was no sight of Y/n's presence anywhere. Cell turned his head left and right.

Cell: Hiding?

Y/n: Nope!

Appearing from behind, Y/n clocked Cell by the back of the head, rocketing the bug monster into the ground.

Y/n: Simple and easy!

Cell charged out of the dent he was shot in and straight towards Y/n. As Cell neared, the two clashed fists generating a massive force blowing, the leafs off a tree away.

Trunks: I can't believe that he actually unlocked a new state of Super Saiyan

Vegeta: How! He wasn't in there for long!

Piccolo: It's not a new form.

Vegeta: What?!

Cell and Y/n start exchanging attacks with one another, releasing massive blows of energy with each exchange. Neither of the two willing to let on so late in the fight.

The two moved back from one another getting some breath before moving forward again. Y/n moved in with a powerful punch coursing a small bit of green blood to drip down Cell' face.

Cell charged in back with a kick to
Y/n's face. The young Saiyan gritted his teeth and striked forward with a knee against Cell' chin. Cell recovered from the attack and tossed his tail forward.

Y/n quickly grabbed Cell's tail and twirled the bug monster around for a couple of seconds before tossing him into a mountain.

Y/n: Hugh, hugh, that's obviously not enough to stop him, but this will be enough.

Y/n aimed his palm forward at the mountain he shot Cell into.


A massive yellow energy wave with electricity sparking around it, shot out of Y/n's palm and straight towards the mountain Cell was shot into.

The second the blast touched the mountain a huge explosion occured.
Destroying the entire mountain itself.

Y/n: Hugh! Hugh! Hugh! Damnit! That attack had better done the trick-

Cell: Hoping to soon are we?!

The smoke cleared revealing Cell who's entire body had broken apart leaving only his face. But the monster quickly regenerated too normal. After he had done that, he seemed almost as tired as Y/n, revealing that it took a lot of energy to regenerate that quickly.

Y/n: Another round, alright.

Cell: Round two to be exact.

Y/n disappeared and appeared behind Cell with a punch, but Cell disappeared and reappeared behind Y/n and tail whipped him into multiple trees.

Cell charged forward and was ready to strike again, Y/n quickly regained composure and blocked the attack, while moving back.

The two reverted back to their occasional combat fist to fist and kick to kick their clashes were sending lightning rods of energy strikes around the island. Even though they were both floating the ground beneath them started breaking apart into pieces, the two were surely going all out, nobody was giving in, Cell and Y/n were intensely focused on the match and less on the area around them. Too end this small little on and on they had, both fighters delivered powerful punches to one another's faces shaking the island.

Cell's punch sent Y/n rocketing to the ground and Y/n's punch sent Cell shooting into the sky. Both combatants stopped themselves, Cell stopped himself in mid air whilst Y/n stopped himself from crashing.

Cell: Hugh! This is fun, but let's see if your really as strong as you seem, Ka-me...

Y/n: (Wait a minute no way)

Cell: Ha-me! Are you ready!

Y/n: (Why didn't anyone tell me he could also do the kamehame-)


Y/n aimed his palm up and a small yellow light started glowing in his arm, meanwhile the kamehame wave was dashing down towards him and the island.

Y/n: (Damnit! I don't have time to charge a blast to counter that, that means I'll have to stop it with what I got!)

The young Saiyan held both arms up and stood his ground as the attack striked down at him like a meteorite.


Y/n: D-Damnit!!!!

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