Chapter 38 - The Return Of Perfection

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Piccolo: G-Goku' energy it's all, It's gone!

Y/n: Your kidding.

Yamcha: No way...

Gohan: No! No! N-

Krillin: Hey it's alright, Cell' gone now.

Gohan: B-but my dad!

Krillin: Your dad's happy! He died with a smile on his face, he was proud at just how much you've grown!

Gohan: ....

Krillin: C'mon... Let's g-

A thunderous shock of power shot staight through everyones heart. And with a boom a blue light flashed sending many dust clouds away in the area. A yellow beam shot out of the blue light and striked down Trunks.

Cell: Looks like I got Trunks, I bet your all wondering how I got back right?

Vegeta: (T-Trunks!)

Cell: Let me explain. I have a small mass inside of me and as long as that mass stays in tact I was not only capable of regenerating myself back to perfection but I was able to increase my power, that must be because of the Saiyan Cells inside of me.

Vegeta: Your gonna pay! Your gonna pay!

Y/n: Vegeta...

The prince shot a ki blast at Cell covering the monster in an explosion. Vegeta flew up and followed the ki blast with many more barrages of it.

As the dust descended Cell stood before them all. He was not fazed one single bit.

Cell: So much for the prince of all Saiyans!

Cell easily tossed Vegeta aside. Y/n charged up his Saiyan aura and as he was ready to jump into the fight, he had forgotten that he had activated the third level of Super Saiyan his version, coursing his body to ache in pain.

Cell: This is just sad now. Y/n say bye to your wife, oh I forgot your not married, that's a shame you'll die knowing that you never proposed!

Cell aimed a two fingers towards you charging a yellow energy ball. By the corner of Cells eye he watched as Vegeta slowly lifted his arm trying to shoot an attack.

Cell: On second thought. Bye Vegeta!

Instead of firing his attack at Y/n, Cell fired it at Vegeta a helpless Vegeta who couldn't move or anything. And lucky for him, Gohan came in and covered Vegeta right on time taking the blast for the princes sake.

After the blast had reached a target, Gohan tried to standup but his body was quaking, the blast had done more damage than thought.

Cell landed on the ground and his first action was take in to the kamehame stance. The stance was already enough to show Gohan what was coming next.

Gohan: Ka!...Me!...Ha!...Me!....

Both Cell and Gohan: HAAAAGGGGH!!!

The two fired off their kamehame waves. With Cell' being green and Gohan using one hand only. As the two attacks cane into contact with another, a powerful gust of energy emerged blowing anything around them back.

Cell: Ha! This has to be enough to destroy the earth! And the whole solar system!

The green monster added more of his own power into the attack, almost overloading Gohan's beam. With Cell' blast now bigger and stronger, Gohan started to struggle holding everything back.

Gohan: (I'm sorry dad... Everyone...I couldn't stop Cell... I just wasn't strong enough..)

C'mon Gohan!

Gohan: ?!?!

You can do it Gohan, you have the power!

Gohan: B-but... I can only use one arm... I'm not even at full power!

No I know you can beat him! Just believe in yourself Gohan and give it everything you've got! Show them Gohan, show me Gohan, Show Cell your true POWER

Gohan: I! Will!

Cell: Ha! Ha! Ha! It's over! It's over-

A rogue ki blast striked Cell.

Vegeta: Grr!

Cell: Damn you!



With Cell distracted, Gohan placed every single bit of power he had into this one energy wave and with everything he released it directly towards Cell. His added power was enough to engulf Cell' blast and the green monsters surprise the atta k was enough to reach him.

Cell: No! No! No! No!

Cell had nowhere to go he had placed himself in the worse position he could have ever done, the only thing he could do was stand in that one spot as Gohan's beam engulfed him as well, disintegrating him.

With Cell destroyed Gohan reverted back to base and fell hard on to the ground, with a huge a smile on his face as he looked at the sky.

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