4. Meetings

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Rosé's POV

"-Marco is such a gentleman! He gave me a ride to home with his car and he didn't even hesitate to do that! Oh, and I also met his son, he's so cute and handsome and also have good manners!" Mom continued to blabber about her little talk with that man. Ugh, I just want this to end.

"I'm sure you and Leo will get along well! I mean he's a good child so you better not annoy him, okay?"

You're the annoying one, mom.

"Who told you to give me a silent treatment!? Listen here, young lady. If you're not going to have any manners especially in front of them I'm going to cut off your allowance for a whole year."

Oh, come on! That's my only comfort when you're away. When you're dating that 'Marco' you're always blabbering about.

"No please! Not my allowance!" I plead.

"Now tell me, are you going to change your behaviour in front of them or I'm not going to give you allowance?" She continued to threaten me. I finally gave in.

"Okay, okay! I'll have manners in front of them." Call me weak but I can't live without my money.

"Good, now go to sleep because you're going to wake up early. We're going to meet the family tomorrow."

"Fine..." I told her and went upstairs. Entering my room, I plopped myself down on the bed.

Meeting them can't be that bad, right?

Oh who am I kidding, I hate them! That man is the reason why my parents divorced.

Flashback... (Before Rosé's parents divorced)

It was when I still wouldn't sleep because I'm planning to surprise my mom with a great news. I became the top 1 in our whole school. But a diferrent scenario had showed to me.

"Where did you went again!? The bar!?" Dad scolded mom again when she went home very late at night, drunk.

"nO I wEnT tO ThE bArBeR sHoP tO cUt My HaIr!" Mom slurring and obviously drunk voice echoed through the whole room. I would really laugh if the scene isn't just serious.

"You smelled like alcohol, ugh! Go and clean yourself!

"I-I..." Mom started mumbling that can also be heard by me.

"...I-I love-"

"What?" Dad's forehead had scrunch up, trying to understand what mom's trying to say.

"...I l-love you-"

"Clare, that's-"



Flashback ended...

Dad had tried to forget that happened because he still loves mom. But eventually, he's gotten tired of her metioning that man's name everytime she's drunk.

I can't be wrong, the Marco that mom had always mentioned to dad and that Marco that she has planned to marry soon is the same person.

I just slept these thoughts away. I really hope I wouldn't blew this up. I still love my mother even though she had a lot of flaws here in our family.

The next day

Like mom said, I woke up early for the new family gathering that's going to happen later.

I'm still not ready yet... I don't know what would I do even if I just catch a glimpse of that Marco's face.

"Rosie, sweety. Come downstairs, they're here!"

"Alright!" I answered and proceed to walk downstairs to meet our new family.

This is it Rosé, everything will be fine. Just be good to our... visitors.

I sighed. Just go and approach them...

"H-Hello, my name's Park Chaeyoung or Rosé for short. It's nice to meet you." I bow down in front of the men that's currently sitting on the couch. The other is whom I know is that Marco and the other guy is wearing earphones.

I thought his son have good manners...

"Hello there! My name's Marco Brüschweiler, and this is Leo Manoban, my son." Wait, why do they have different last names?

"U-Uhm, nice to meet you, s-sir." I heard Mr. Marco chuckled.

"No need to be formal. Just call me, dad." He told me.

"O-Okay, dad..." Mom seemed to notice that I felt uncomfortable so she decided to speak.

"Rosie can you make us something to eat?" She spoke.

"Oh, how lovely. Leo here is good at cooking, maybe he could help Rosé to make the food." He tapped this guy called Leo on his shoulder that made him took off one of his earphone and raised a brow at his dad.

"Leo, would you mind taking off that earphones and help Rosé here to make the food?" The Leo guy took off his earphones and putted his hands on his pockets.

"Sure, dad. Excuse us." He gave his dad a small smile and approached me.

I swear, that was the most charming smile I've ever seen...

Wait, what?

No! You shouldn't be thinking about these things! He'll be your new stepbrother and you hate them, right?

I stole a glance at him and mom was right, he's handsome and cute. He also have a good manners like mom said.

"So, are you going to stand up here while staring at me and wait for the food to finish itself?"

Okay, I take that back. He doesn't have good manners.

"No, I'm just waiting for them to fly away from the kitchen and land on mom and Mr. Brüschweiler's plates." I fired back sarcastically with a fake smile.

"Hmp, whatever." He passed by me and proceed to go to the kitched like he already knew where it was.

"This way, idiot." I corrected his direction and he went there like he didn't make a mistake.

"So, you're my new little brother?" I started.

"Make that a STEP brother and yes, I am. Don't talk to me unless it's important."

"What are we gonna cook?" He asked calmly. Yep, he totally ignored his mistake earlier.

"I don't know, show me what you got." I saw him smirked and began to search for ingredients. I wonder what he's going to cook, though.

After 30 minutes

"It's done." He said bluntly. Does this guy have any emtions at all?

"I-Is this...?"

"If you're thinking about kimchi stew, then you're right."

T-That's... That's my favorite food!

"Try it." He told me and I complied. I started to eat just a little amount and it's... it's so good!

"How did you learn on how to cook this? Your cooking skills is amazing." I unconciously praised him.

"My mom used to teach me how to cook ever since I was a kid. I'm flattered at the compliment, by the way." The last one had made me blush. What would he think about me now? "Let's go and serve this to OUR parents."

Did he say 'our'?

Does that mean, he also consider me and my mom his family?

Aish, Leo Manoban. A guy with confusing personality. Can be someone with good manner then the second you talked to him his personality will turn into a rude and cold one then he'll become sweet after. That's insane...

Can I really cope up with this guy?

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