9. Suspicious

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Leo's POV

Today, Rosé and I decided to visit my biological mother's grave. Yes, I managed to bring her with me. She wasn't as annoying as I thought of her back then when we first met.

She's quite an intelligent girl, an honor student. She already have this lady-like act in front of others. But when it comes to me, she act like a 5-year old little girl. Which I found really adorable.

Yes, I admit, she's quite the catch. But I wouldn't want to date someone who's already in my family now. I wonder if she feels the same way, though.

"Say, do you always visit your mom's grave?" A basket of fresh flowers in hand, Rosé asked as we walked towards mom's grave.

I gave her a short answer. "Yes."

"How long do you stay?" She asked once again.

"It depends. Whether I have free time, I would stay here for like lunch time. And yes, I eat here beside her grave. That's why I brought lunch." I raised up my hand to show her our bag of food that contains some chips, cold beverages and bento boxes.

"You don't share lunch with your father?"

"No, it's too troublesome. He would always tell me to act politely while in front of the food. You know, remove the frown from my face. It pisses him off. But to be honest, I'm more pissed off by his complaints. Can't he just leave me alone?" I ranted. I don't really share this with my friends, as if I have one, as they probably would just say that I should respect my father.

But how could I respect him if even he himself wouldn't respect his own child? Scratch that, his stepson.

"You're pissed off by your own parent, huh?"

"Duh. Of course I will! He's such a jerk ever since my mom died. He didn't even cared about mom and immediately replaced her with another woman he freaking met the bar!" I'm so frustrated right now that I already unleashed all of my anger. Luckily, there's only a few people who visited the graveyard today.

She stopped walking and as soon as she does, I did too.

"Why did you-"

"Are you really sure he was the one who don't think about your mom's feelings?" I was taken aback.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Do you think your mom would be happy if you don't have a motherly-love from someone? Leo, you should accept that even if it's from another woman." I bit my lip and stayed silent.

She has a point. I was so blinded by hatred that I didn't even thought about that.

"Sorry..." I weakly apologized. "But how about you? Aren't you also mad that your mother is divorced with your father because of dad?"

"I admit. I was. But that was back then. And no, your father wasn't the reason why they divorced. Dad just had enough of mom being a drunkass everytime she went home. Then, he became more pissed off when mom suddenly blurted out "I love you, Marco" in front of dad's face."

"That's..." I became lost for words.

She smiled and held my hand. "You don't have to comment anything about it. Just you, listening to my stories, is already enough."

I sighed and smiled back at her. "Come here." Her face had the looks of confusion yet she oblige my words and went closer to me.

I then hugged her. I just suddenly feel like embracing her without any particular reason.

"Don't be hard-headed. Just go with the flow." I deadpanned as my face started to heat up in embarrassment.

"You're so confusing sometimes, you know that?"



Uhm, hello mom. It's me, your son, again." I chuckled. "I'm sorry I didn't accompanied you yesterday for too long. But today, I decided to bring alone my stepsister here for lunch. She may look like a fine lady but believe me, she's still a child- Ow!" This "lady" beside me smacked my arm as I teased her. Geez, I was just kidding. Well, I'm really not as what I said about her is true.

"Why the heck are you badmouthing me in front of your mom?!"

"I don't. I was just telling the truth." She sighed and then crouched down to talk to mom's grave.

"Hi there, Mrs. Manoban! I heard a lot from your son here. That you were such a sweet and caring mother to him. But I wonder why your son didn't get those from you. He's such a jerk who's acting like he doesn't care about anything in this world. Maybe except for you."

"Hey! Now YOU'RE badmouthing ME in front of MY mom!" I laughed at him.

She shrugged while having a slight smirk on her lips. "I don't. I was just telling the truth." She said what I stated earlier in a mockery tone.

"I see. You're taking revenge, aren't you?"

"Let's just eat. I'm too hungry to even debate with you."

"Fair enough."


Author's POV

As the two step siblings were enjoying their time together beside Leo's mother's grave, his stepfather is at the living room with Rosé's mother. He's sitting at the couch, deep in thought.

"You're kind of zoned out there. Is something the matter?" Rosé's mom, Claire, asked.

"Nothing I just... I'm wondering about Leo and Rosé."

"What about our kids?"

"I think they've gotten close, far too close, with each other. I've been getting a bad feeling about it, although I don't even know why." He crossed his arms while scratching his white highlighted dark brown hair.

"Really? Why? I think it's good that they're getting along." She placed down a cup of teaon the coffee table in front of Marco, Leo's dad.

"Claire, they're still non-biological siblings. They could fall for each other if they would be too much closer. And if you're not convinced, I just saw them at their bedroom. Sleeping beside each other. In ONE bed."

"Come on, I'm sure they just treat each other like siblings. I mean, they're not even clingy with each other, right?"

"I know, but..." Marco sighed and grabbed his cup of tea and took a sip from it to calm him down.

"They're just very suspicious..."

Step Siblings || ChaeLisa [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now