Day 1

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My name is Nicko. I'm just your average, normal, boring, and uninterestting, male college student. I'm quite infamous for beaing the "Sleeping Beauty" of my class, but some how I can still maintain my grade as the top 3 on every test, quiz, and Exam on this college had to over. (somehow?)
Usually I just read about the question and then answer it based on my memory, then somehow i get 98% to 100% for the score. (Don't ask me how i do it)

I don't really have any girlfriend, or real friends to be honest. I just have one guy to talk with, but his kind of the opposite of me. His grade wasn't that great, but he is more social than me (I guess).

Anyway, for now I'm going to try get a job at a studio. It's actually quite an old cartoon studio that open since I was a kid, than it got closed for a while when I was just entered high school, because of some incident (I think). Then it got re-opened as an anime studio (or so I herd), not long before I enter college, and i guess they need some more employee now.
The job offer is for a security guard for the night, I think I can take the job since my class was only at the noon or after noon. Now I'm waiting for the interview with the boss of the place.

"Alright, you can come in," someone call form indo the boss room.

I entered and see the boss is an lady with a blond hair, probably in her 30.
"So, you're the one who wanted the job, erm...Mister-"

"Nicko, and please just Nicko," I said as I sat on a chair in front of her.

"Ok then Nicko, I've read through your resume and I think your qualified for the job, but we have some question for you if you don't mind."


"first, can you stay up all night? Form 10pm to 6am to be specific."

"Don't worry, I'm used to stay awake till morning." 'I guess that's why I always sleeping in the class'

"Great then."

"Do you mind if I ask what was the question for?"

"Oh, not at all. We actually have a night guard before, but he's quite lazy at his job. Resulting some equipment and some material got stolen. So we had to fired him."

"is that so."

"Well then next question, what was your intention for getting the job."

"For the money actually, sorry for being generic."
"No it's find, we just had to make sure that's all. Ok next question, do you have any girlfriend or lover at the time?"

"I'm sorry, I don't follow?" I ask in confusion.
"Well just to make sure it won't interfere with your work, that's all."

"Oh, is that so. No, I don't have any, I never did."

"Oh my, really? That's great then," her eyes widen as she slime.

"Um, Yeah sure."
"Well ok then I think your ready for the job. You can start tonight actually. Just come here at around 9:30 and the day guard Will give you a tour around the place. And here's your security outfit and the keys for the entrance," she Handed me a clothing with a cap that says "Security" and a key.

"Thank you um...Miss?"

"Oh how Rude of me, please call me Alice or Arris."

"Right, thank you then Miss Alice."

"Geez I told you to call me Alice."

"I'll, try to get used to it," I stand up and head to the door.

"Have a good night Nicko," she said as I walk out of the room.

'What's the problem of having a girlfriend for the security here?' I think to my self as I walk out the building. Anyway, I guess, I should get some rest before my shift then.


"Sooo what do you girls think?" says the women to four girls.

"He's sound really nice," said the girl number 2.

"And his face is really cute," says the girl number 3.

"And he said he didn't have any girlfriend, we can have him for our self," claim girl number 4.

"Well then should we start the plan?" ask girl number 1 with her eyes shine like a flash light and the other girl follow.

Five Night In Anime StudioWhere stories live. Discover now