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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 | Apparently, mortals need a thing called sleep?

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 | Apparently, mortals need a thing called sleep?

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IT was only in the week after the Capture the Flag game that Freyja managed to find her way to the sword fighting arena to train with the Hermes cabin, or more specifically, Luke.

Luke now hated Layla, sword fighting and Freyja in that particular order.

"Come on, Ke!" Freyja called, clashing a practice sword against him, as the older boy continued to gasp for air. She was a lot stronger than she looked and he was regretting not stretching before fighting her. "Can you even attempt to go on the offensive?"

Luke was too out of breath to answer, so settled on glaring at the girl in front of him. Despite being younger, and at least a head shorter than he was, Freyja had been able to flip him over her head no less than four times which seemed unfair, and unnecessary. If he didn't know any better, he'd say she was enjoying this (Freyja was enjoying this).

It didn't help that Connor and Travis were sitting behind the pair, giggling as they watched Luke struggle with Freyja's ongoing barrage of attacks.

"I am trying," He panted out, bringing his sword down, which Freyja caught easily, taking his legs out from underneath him in the process. The boy fell onto the floor, groaning as Freyja pressed the tip of her sword to his neck.

"Dead," He whacked the sword away, as Freyja hid the smirk that was beginning to appear on her lips. "You lack foresight."

"You're just horrible," He replied, as Freyja helped him to his feet. "Can't I go back to training with the Hermes cabin?"

"You'll never get better sticking inside of your comfort zone," Freyja smiled. "The only way to know, and test, your limits is to step outside of the box and defeat bigger challenges."

"Who's the next big boss after you?" He asked, as Freyja sent him a look, rolling her eyes and smirking.

"You'll only move onto that when you can beat me," She replied. "You have not done that yet."

"Why are we using such unbalanced swords?" Luke moaned as he sat down on the bleachers, gulping down water as he did so. He had lost all feelings in his arms and was pretty sure that if Freyja had hit a certain point on the blade one more time, then both his blade and his arms would have snapped in two.

"Because I don't want to accidentally decapitate you with Epilogue,"

"Still can't believe you named your sword Epilogue," Luke muttered, taking another gulp of water and ignoring the look that Freyja was sending his way. "So when do I get a sword?"

"Don't ask me. I don't know. Ask Layla,"

"If I talk to Layla, I'm going to stab her for making her train with you," Luke replied, as Freyja snickered quietly to herself.

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