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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 | Freyja does some investigating, despite the insistence that it's a poor idea by her parents

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 | Freyja does some investigating, despite the insistence that it's a poor idea by her parents

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FREYJA wasn't sure what the use of being Goddess of Secrets and Lies was if she didn't use her powers to lie to her parents. Thus, despite telling Loki, and subsequently Artemis, that she wouldn't be looking further into what they were all worried about, she was doing precisely that. If it was something about her, then she deserved to know.

Sneaking into the Athena cabin had been simple. She'd waited until they were all asleep, before slipping in through the door and activating her invisibility powers from the Norse side of her family. The Athena cabin weren't all that good at traps.

The back of the Athena cabin was a library, stacked with hundreds of scrolls and texts, one of which could be the one that Freyja needed. Slipping past the sleeping children, Freyja made her way to the back of the cabin, looking for any texts that they had on prophecies.

Most were ones describing prophecies that had already happened, how they had been completed, who went on the quests and the aftermath. So, they were little help. Freyja searched through them, putting most back as she looked.

Unfortunately, there seemed to be nothing that she really needed in the piles. Nothing mentioned her name, or a daughter of Artemis though she supposed that the gods probably would not keep those sorts of things in camp, especially since they wanted to maintain the image that the demigods had of them.

Artemis having a child did not fit in with her image, so Freyja had been erased from anything on the mortal world. All records including her would most likely be on Olympus, in Apollo's temple, meaning that Freyja would need to get permission from Apollo to search. He, however, would tell her parents immediately. 

Or, she needed to break into the temple. That particular thought was looking promising.

Putting the scroll back down, Freyja stood up and began to stalk towards the entrance once more, determined to get out and create a plan for breaking into Apollo's temple. But something caught her eye.

It was an inconspicuous scroll, sticking out of a full rack of others, but something about it called to Freyja. Carefully, she pulled it from it's place, tucking it into her jacket before hurrying out of the cabin.

Once outside, she let the invisibility spell wear off, shaking her limbs out as she tried to get rid of the pins and needle feeling that travelled across her body. Looking around, she waved her hand gently, calling the night and the moonlight to help disguise her as she headed for the woods. Freyja knew that if she was in her cabin, there was always the chance of someone walking in and seeing what she was doing so she didn't dare go back. Not until she read it.

Young Gods | L. CastellanWhere stories live. Discover now