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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐘-𝐒𝐈𝐗 | Freyja has this very unnerving feeling, though Luke is oblivious

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐘-𝐒𝐈𝐗 | Freyja has this very unnerving feeling, though Luke is oblivious

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"DO you want some help?" Luke called, as Freyja emerged from the car, carrying a load of groceries. Her boyfriend sat on the porch of their cabin, a hot drink creating a smoke halo around his head. Freyja looked up, cocking an eyebrow in disbelief at the man.

"No, of course not." The man chuckled at her snarkiness, before standing to help the woman take the groceries inside of the house. He picked the last few bags up with ease, closing and locking the car behind them. "Thank you. Gods knows that you eat more than you should, least you could do is help me carry all the food in."

"Are you calling me fat?" Luke joked, staring down at the smaller woman as she deposited the groceries on the countertop.

"You? Absolutely." Freyja nodded, before prodding at her boyfriend's stomach as he chuckled. "Obviously, incredibly fat."

"That is just damaging to my self esteem."

"You had any to begin with?" Freyja joked quietly, as Luke whistled, and wrestled the woman into a headlock. She began to laugh louder, writhing around as Luke held onto her tightly.

"That's just mean, Bubbles." He chided gently. "You love my abs."

"Mine are better." The woman choked out.

"You're a god." Luke pretended to bow as he released her, and Freyja laughed louder before pressing her lips to his softly. "What's the plan for the rest of the week?"

"I'm not sure. Sleeping?"

"You know, I think you'd hibernate if you could." Luke prompted, causing the woman to nod, before the hairs on the back of her neck began to raise. Freyja spun around, growing tense as Luke frowned. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Do you feel that?" Her fingers flexed, muscles tensing as she continued to look around.

"Feel what?" Freyja hummed, turning to stare out of the house and past their car to the surrounding wilderness. She was looking for anything, for a glint of a weapon or for a person, but her eyes couldn't pick up on anything. "Frey, there's nothing. It's just paranoia from the war, no one's able to find us here."

"It's not, something's off." Freyja whispered.

"I don't see anything." Luke joined her, looking around, before shrugging. "Come on, I've got food on the stove. Let's eat and then sleep."

Freyja hummed, still staring, before another gentle tug pulled her away from the window and into Luke's arms once more.


Rolling over, off of her boyfriend's chest, Freyja sat up in bed, her eyes narrowed as she rubbed the sleep away. Her boyfriend was asleep as if he was dead, lying like a plank of wood in the middle of their bed, and she had been dozing atop his chest, listening to his heart, like a content cat, when she had felt that same prickling once more. It had tickled at the back of her neck, before shooting down her spine like electricity.

Picking herself up, Freyja twisted around, before opening the curtains near their bed to look out onto the snowy ground outside, searching for what had caused her unease.

Still there was no one, and now Freyja was growing annoyed with it all. She wasn't being paranoid. Her senses wouldn't have picked up on something with no cause for it. They were still as good as they used to be during the war.

Getting out of her bed, Freyja tugged on a pair of shoes and one of Luke's jumper that was left by the door, before tiptoeing through the living room. Epilogue sat by the door, unused, but Freyja picked it up for the familiar weight that it would bring to her hand, and stepped out of the door. The moon glistened atop the snow, and it crunched quietly beneath her feet as she jumped off the porch to search the perimeter and see if there was anything present. Cold wind nipped at her nose and exposed fingers, making her scrunch up.

"Where are you?" She muttered, turning once more and looking up in the air. Nothing was flying about, and no one was in the woods but there were also no animals. Freyja couldn't hear birds, or deer, or any nocturnal animals like wolves. She didn't like it.

Ever since she had first travelled to this cabin, there had always bene the sound of animals around her and for it to suddenly go quiet was not something that she liked. It was disturbing.

"Freyja." The woman froze, spinning around, before catching Luke's eyes as he leant out of the window, an eyebrow cocked. "Would you stop walking around? Come to bed. It's nothing."

"Something's wrong."


"No, I'm serious. Something is really wrong. There are no animals, no nothing and something is watching." Freyja shook her head. "It's not paranoia, I swear to you."

"I know, I trust you. But it's pitch black, neither of us can see anything and we're tired. We'll check first thing tomorrow morning." Freyja huffed, muttering under her breath, before reluctantly accepting that they could do that. "Great. Come to bed."

Freyja huffed once more, before stomping around to the front of the house and locking the door. Bolting it shut, she took Epilogue with her as she stalked back to her room, locking all of the doors and windows as she went. 

"Are you done?" Luke asked calmly, sitting in bed and watching as Freyja wandered around a little more, before finally huffing and clambering back into the bed. The man opened his arms, letting Freyja settle back down into his arms once more. He began to run his hands through her hair, untangling the dark locks before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Frey." Luke muttered, tilting her head up. The goddess' forehead was still furrowed, looking around as Luke kissed her head and flung an arm over her waist. "It's alright. We'll look tomorrow, but nothing's going to happen tonight. Everything's blocked, you and I are both here and you're a goddess."

"You're also immortal." Freyja muttered.

"Not, goddess immortal, like you." Luke pointed out, rolling onto his stomach and kissing her again softly, before settling down and staring up at her. She softened, huffing momentarily, before looking up at Luke and tracing his scar that ran down his face. "We're alright, Frey, promise. Now come on, you need sleep, and I want to go to bed."

"Fine." Freyja huffed, before trying to let herself relax a bit more.

"I love you." Luke mumbled.

"I love you too."


It's been a little while, but Freyja's very paranoid about stuff and Luke's just chill about all of it. Got to love them. We've also got them being very cute and domestic which I love them for. So yeah, have Luke and Frey, back again.

Question of the Day ; If I were to do a help book, what would you guys like in it? just so that I can get a rough idea of what chapters I would include - this could be like how to write characters and what plots are good or not.

Let me know what you think,

Love Li xx

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