Deadly Agenda

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I woke up, no I came back from accompanying my sister to the land of the dead. Her body was now neatly wrapped, the paramedics were busy, with what? I don't know because there was nothing to be done that could bring her back. My sister was dead, tears fell from my eyes. Grandma was sitting next to me.

"Why did you take so long to come back? She's dead now, what's the point of you being here? Just leave, go!" I screamed at her, I was hysterical.

"Please control yourself my dear----"

"How grandmother? How? My sister is dead, they killed her!" I cried my heart out until I calmed down a bit. I wanted to confront them in front of everyone but grandma told me to think straight.

"Do you think anyone will believe you?" I shook my head. "Thought so. Calm down we will figure this out."

"She had dreams grandma, she always dreamed big. She wanted to travel the world, she wanted to roam the streets of Paris, she wanted to be like one of those women on TV sipping cocktails on the beach in Zanzibar........" My voice trailed off as I couldn't control my emotions.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help her. I'm sorry I gave birth to the devil." Grandma cried.

"She wanted to be a specialist doctor, grandma...." She tried to calm me down. "She was just a teenager, her life was taken away from her by her own parents, why grandma?" I cried.

"I understand your pain. Calm down before you fall sick." She said tears falling down her eyes.

"They have to pay grandma." I wiped my tears. "I will make them pay for their evil deeds." I took a vow to avenge my sister's death even if it was the last thing I was going to do.

After my sister's burial, things calmed down a bit. I was allowed to go outside the house on the conditions that I feign happiness and that I wouldn't say anything to anyone. I was readmitted to a private school but I was no longer the same person. I became an angry child, violent and full of hatred. My teachers couldn't understand how an A student, a child with all the money to buy anything in the whole world could be so full of anger. I despised my parents more than anything in the world, I wanted them to suffer the consequences of their actions but for that to happen I had to devise a plan.


"Sweet potato, you are awfully quiet, what's wrong?" Sizwe asked. From the first I ate his sweet potato he named me after it.

"Everything is wrong." I said quietly.

"Don't say that. You just passed your grade seven exams, that's something to be happy about." He hugged me tight, I sighed.

"I wonder if Aphiwe could have aced her grade seven exams like I just did?" I missed her dearly.

"Everything that happened was for the best." He said. I was not ready to fight him over his beliefs and what the Bible says blah...blah....

"When are you leaving for varsity?" I changed the subject.


"You are leaving me alone, who's going to make me laugh a bit?" I was sad because he was leaving.

"I'm not leaving you alone, I'm leaving you with grandma and my parents." He smiled.

"I'm not sure about that." We said our goodbyes and he left. Sizwe had become my best friend despite the age difference. He understood me unlike everyone else. His parents were the best parents in the whole world, they had become my parents too.

The Thwalas were happy about my results, they threw a big celebration party. All their rich friends were invited. Everyone seemed happy except for me and grandma. They all dined and wined like they all had forgotten about the death of my sister. I was really angry, I wished I had supernatural powers to make all of them disappear by only snapping my fingers.

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