Ashes to Ashes

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Tholakele came to see me. The anger I felt the moment I laid my eyes on her is indescribable. I was fuming, if only I could move from that bed, I swear we were going to having a funeral in that hospital. Sizwe noticed my anger, he held my hand, I was shaking.

"My poor baby----"

"No no no! HELL NO! You don't get to call me your baby after everything you and your husband did to me! Because of you, I'm now less of a woman, because of you I lost myself, dignity and honor!" I fumed.

"Please hear me out." She cried.

"Too late for your crocodile tears, save them for your husband's funeral because he's going to die very soon." I looked away.

"You can't say that about your father. He's still your dear dad. We are still your parents and we love you."

"That's bullshit! I don't give a flying fuck about you or that man! Get out of here, don't ever come back!" I screamed, the doctor came in running.


"With all due respect ma'am, I'm asking you to leave." The doctor begged her.

"I'm not leaving her! She has to listen to me, please!" She cried.

"Get the hell out of here. I don't want to ever see you again!" I hissed.

"Calm down dear, its not good for your health." Sizwe said still holding my hand tight.

She left, I cried and so did my friend. The pain was just too much, I didn't know how I was going to survive the wounds that cut deep into my heart and soul. Two days later, the physiotherapist tried to make me sit up but fate had something else in store for me. The wound on my chest started bleeding, I screamed in pain. She quickly made me lie on my back, Sizwe looked on and let his tears fall free. He looked heartbroken, angry and defeated just like how I felt. The doctor came in and gave me a sedative. He told me I had to go back to surgery, the wound had an infection and all the stuff. I just stared at him because honestly, I had nothing left in me to say.


I was back on my feet. Mr. Ngcobo also survived the gunshot wound, I was relieved to see him smile again. As for me, that second surgery took the little emotions that I had in me and I was left with nothing. I felt nothing, not even my little sister's smile affected me like it did before. I tried to appear the same to her but it was hard, I would lash out to anyone close to me including the man who had become my father and my pillar of support. 

I was told that my grandma was buried whilst I slept on that deathbed, I needed answers. I wanted to know how she died and why. I spoke to Mr. Ngcobo, being a faithful pastor that he was he always preached forgiveness. He asked me to forgive my parents but that was not going to happen even if it meant burning in hell in the future. Since I was back to school, I had access to all the chemicals I needed, some I bought from the dark market. 

"Are you sure about this?" Sizwe asked, concerned.

"Very." I continued packing my deadly stuff.

"What if he kills you?" He scratched his head.

"Not this time. He failed to do so when he had a chance. It's my turn now." 

I said my goodbyes and left. I had a proven plan. I arrived at the Thwalas, Tholakele had become a moving skeleton, I don't know what was eating her. Sandile was still himself. They both knelt down and asked for my forgiveness. I pretended to forgive them, they were both overjoyed, they hugged me tight, I almost died. Their hugs were so suffocating, brought so many sour memories but for my plan to work I had to force a smile. It took me a day to put my plan into action. Firstly, I spiked all of Sandile's expensive beverages and he started seeing things. It took him only two days to give in to the ghost's demands as he put it. He said grandma and Aphiwe were after him, I told him to confess to his sins but he refused. "Well, time to move this game to the next level." I thought. 

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