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I watched the trees go by through the window of the moving van. Today was the day my mom decided she didn't need him anymore. It took her a year to realize it, but all the matters is that she did. I, on the other hand, can't relate to her mindset. I'll never forget what happened a year ago, the pain he caused throughout this year to me and my mother. Not all fathers cut off their children, but mine did. If he even deserves the title father. 

The car came to a stop, diminishing my thoughts within seconds as my new house came into view. House wasn't a proper term, mansion seemed more appropriate. The house was humungous! My mother let out a sigh and opened the door, I followed her movements and helped her begin the process of moving in.  

After what seemed like hours we got all the boxes into the house. My mother had already crashed on the couch to take her daily nap. I had always wanted to be able to do that, but something just never let me close my eyes. At night, during the day, I just never could fall asleep right. Some call it insomnia, I call it my inner demons. 

I bring the last box of my things to my room on the second floor and drop it amongst the other brown cardboard. I sigh and let my back hit the dusty bed. I groan as the sheet slips up and off the edges of the bed. I decide to ignore it and turn onto my side and scroll through my phone. 

Anna, my best friend's, name appears on my phone and I can't help the smile that edges its way onto my face. 

Have you gotten to the house yet? 

Yep, it's huge anna! like the one from Casper! 

SICK, when do you start school?

Monday, just like you lol. I've only moved a few states away not a whole world away. 

It feels like your worlds away :( 

I know :( don't worry I'll come to see you over the summer!

You better! I gotta go to sleep, ttyl. love you lots. 

I glance at the time on my phone and reality hits me, its five hours later there. It's only 5 here. I plug my phone in and start unpacking boxes. 

"What do you want for dinner?" My mom's voice yells from downstairs. 

"Whatever is fine!" I yell back and set a picture of me and Anna on my bedside table. 

Footsteps coming up the stairs lead me to believe my mom's coming, but as I go in the hallway she's nowhere to be seen. I shake off the eery feeling and walk to the kitchen where my mom is putting things in drawers. 

"How about we go into town for dinner, grandma, and grandpa really want to see us." Mom says and the drawer she's working on. 

"Sounds good to me, I miss those old hags," I mumble and get a glass from one of the boxes and fill it with water from the tap. Brown liquid glugs out and I gag and turn it off, dumping the water out of the glass. 

"I need to call and get that fixed, we'll head to the store after dinner and get some water bottles." My mom says and grabs her purse. 

"Let's go, shall we?" She asks and I giggle and take her arm following her out of the house. 

The town was buzzing with people. The restaurant we went to was filled to the brim. Guess we aren't in some small town. Now sitting at a table with my nan, paps, and mom I wouldn't trade it for the world. What I would trade is the weird feeling of someone watching me, breathing down my neck. I know no one is there and it's just my paranoia, but a part of me wonders if it's not just my paranoia. 

"Honey, Nan asked you something," my mom scolds me, ripping me from my inner thoughts. 

"Oh! So sorry Nan, what did you ask me?" I reply and watch as my Paps chuckles and gives me a thumbs up. I giggle, god I love them. 

"I asked where you'll be attending school?" Nan says and takes a bite of a biscuit. 

"Oh, Loffery Highschool," I say and take a bite of my salad. 

I watch my Nan's expression darken and she clears her throat. Worry crosses her face and I know something is up. 

"Janet, may I speak to you in private?" Nan asks in short temper, the kind that scares you with every breath. 

My mother nods and leads herself and Nan to the ladies' room. 

"What's that all about?" I ask Paps. 

"Nan doesn't like that school, she says it's full of demons, but Nan's also a little cooky so I wouldn't worry a thing about it, sweetheart." Paps says and finishes his plate of chicken. 

"But aren't you a little cooky too Paps?" I let out a laugh when he gives me a playful glare. 

"Only in bed," He replies and laughs at his own joke. 

"Paps!" I say through a wheeze. 

Maybe I might just like living here. 

A/n- i will edit all chapters once I'm done writing the book, so bare with me. Thanks for reading.




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