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The ringing of my alarm angers me to the max as I groan into my pillow. I reached for my phone and turn the alarm off wincing at the bright light. I force myself to leave my bed and close my curtains so the light can no longer blind me. 

"Goodmorning!" My mom says as she flips a pancake on the stove. I groan and flop on one of the chairs by the table. My mother places a plate of food in front of me and instantly I'm fine with being awake. I scarf down the food and put the plate in the sink. 

"Today's the first day of a new school, it's a fresh start, please, don't let the burdens of life in Cali get to you." My mother says and it's almost as if she's saying it to herself. 

"You to mom, have a good day at work, I'll see you after school," I say as I fix the skirt that I put on before breakfast. 

I head out the door and start the ten-minute walk to school. There's that feeling again like I'm being watched. I shift uncomfortably and speed up my pace and let out a sigh of relief as the school comes into view. 

"A fresh start," I mumble to myself and walk into the school. 

By third period I was tripped four times, shoved into a locker, and got water dumped on my head. 

I sighed as I entered the lunchroom. I was going to make at least one friend, that was my goal. I got a bowl of salad and paid then made my way toward the tables. 

"Hey! New girl! Come sit with us!" A boy shouts from a table full of guys wearing lettermen jackets and cheerleaders. I glanced at the boy, he was cute, but then I glanced at the girl practically sitting on his lap and knew they weren't the people I wanted to be friends with. 

"Here! You can take Jamie's spot, he'll just go sit with his girlfriend," the guy says and gets up from the table. He takes my lunch and sits it down in front of Jamie. 

"Not cool dude," Jamie says and annoyed gets up and walks to another table. 

"He'll get over it," the guy says and sits down. 

I sit down in Jamie's old seat between a cheerleader and one of the jocks. 

"I'm Cory, this is Jessica," he says and points to the girl practically on his lap.

"Kassidy," I say back with a small smile. 

"The guy to your right is Jason, the girl to your left is Tiny," Cory introduces them. 

"Hi," Jason says with a smirk and puts his arm around my shoulder. 

"Uh, hi," I reply wearily and shift uncomfortably. 

"Hands off, Jason, give her some space before you decide to give her AIDS!" A girl says from across me. 

"Oh fuck off, Rachel," Jason says to the girl. 

"I don't have AIDS, by the way," Jason says as he takes his arm off of me. 

"Sure you don't," I reply and a few guys start cracking up, I glance at Cory who's laughing as well. I can't help but see Jessica glaring at me. 

"I can tell we're going to get along great!" Rachel says and I smile and nod at her, eating a bite of my salad. 

"So, Kassidy, where'd you move from?" Tiny asks. 

"California," I tell her and she beams a huge smile. 

"I love Cali! Us cheer girls go there every summer to compete!" Tiny says and looks to the girls for confirmation and they all nod. Except for Jessica. 

"That's totally rad," Jason says sarcastically. 

"Shut it, Jason!" Tiny says and reaches behind me to throw a fry at him. 

Everyone laughs and begins to continue their conversations. I eat quietly and listen half-heartedly to what they're saying. I can't help but go into a trance as the feeling of a shiver goes down my spine. 

I'm pulled from my trance by the bell ringing loudly through the lunchroom. 

It's when I stand and glance around the room do my eyes lock on another pair. 

Piercing green eyes stare back at me, and that chilly feeling gets more intense. 

A/n - oop. 




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