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I'm pretty sure Aziraphale was trying to wipe the customers memory. That or he was just annoyed at me, but either way I'm laying on the ceiling of Aziraphales bedroom. I don't even get why it matters that much. It's not like he's going to sell the person any books. They're like children to him. I can still vividly remember when he sold a collectors edition of 1984 by George Orwell. He cried so hard that I was convinced he was going to re-create the great flood and drown us all.

I do hope that he hurries up this conversation so I can go back downstairs. I have important stuff I need to do. I could be talking to my plants back at my flat or getting into some mischievous stuff like setting fires in fireplaces or making all of Wikipedia crash as one student attempts to collect faulty information last minute for their poorly written essay. It's just typical demon shenanigans.

I continued to lay on the ceiling like a starfish, trying my best to be patient. I let out a groan when I looked at the clock. How in hell had it only been five minutes? I thought I had been up here for at least fifty hours. My internal clock was a screwed up-- being an immortal being and all.

After waiting for an excruciatingly long minute, I made the decision to give up and go back downstairs. I know I suck at following directions, but it is what it is. I was tiptoeing down the stairs, trying my best not to interrupt. I was afraid to slither on the floor because I've been stepped on a few times, and it is not pleasant.

The human was still there, babbling on about nonsense that I could not care less about. "Crowley," Azriaphale began to speak to me. "I hope you know that I can sense demonic presence. I know exactly where you are."

"Well, I know that you know that I know that you know where I am," I said with a bit of a childish huff. I no longer tried to be quiet, walking over in my normal fashion. I made my way over to Azriaphale and leaned on the desk beside him.

"Actually, I think I'm okay without the book," the customer insisted, putting the book down on the table.

"But it's a first edition!" My angel tried his best to persuade the poor lady into buying the book which only ended up scaring the poor lady more.

"Really, Really," she said, backing towards the door. "I can manage without it. Thank you," she said before turning to the door and bolting off.

"You frightened them off," Aziraphale said with a pout.

"You were not going to sell them the book away," I said.

"Was so!" Aziraphale picked up the book that had been set down in the wrong spot and went to put it in its proper place. He went to reorganize a few new books he had received.

"How about you close down the shop so we can do something better than selling book?" I ask as I take the book out of his hand.

"Oh, Crowley," Aziraphale huffed with an eye roll. "You know that I don't do that sort of—"

I cut him off. "You don't like closing your shop to cook crepes with me?" I asked causing Aziraphale to smile.

"I do like crepes," he agreed. He was unable to keep an angry expression upon his face after I mentioned cooking crepes together. "I suppose being closed for a few hours couldn't hurt."

"Temptation accomplished?" I playfully asked, earning an eye roll from my angel.

"Oh stop that or I'll make you go back to that greenhouse," Aziraphale teased.

"My apartment is not a greenhouse," I replied as we made out way to his living quarters above the bookshop.

"You certainly have more than enough plants in there to qualify as one," he bickered with warm, loving glow to his aura.

"Yeah-- well you have enough books to qualify as a bookshop!"


"Yes, angel?"

"This is a bookshop," Angel chuckled at me, clearly amused by my awful comeback as he dragged me upstairs to his living quarters. With a snap of his fingers, the shop was closed and all the items needed for making crepes were out and ready to be used.

Things have been a lot better since the 'end of the world' in some ways. In other ways, it felt like nothing had even changed. In the worst ways, it felt like the world had ended.

In the worst ways, the world I used to live in was gone. This may still be earth, but my life has been forever changed. True, I am still pinning after Angel, but we have engaged in more couple like activities. We do both love each other, but I don't think we need to put a label on it. I think our love might be on a different level than humans or maybe that is me being egotistical.

As helped with the dough for the crepes, I could feel balance being disturbed on earth by a being that should not be here. I shook it off as just being in my head. There couldn't be anything there. I should just enjoy making theses crepes with Angel.

Snakes and Crepes (Ineffable Husbands)Where stories live. Discover now