Prompt 1

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"I'm in love with you"

The woods were dark, the canopy of trees above them masking the light trying to filter through the leaves. Team Guy walked along the path, making their way to their mission's destination when they noticed fog starting to swirl around their ankles. It was slowly making it's way higher until it was affecting their field of vision.

"Does this fog not seem strange to anyone?" Rock Lee asked from somewhere ahead of Tenten. She had lost sight of her teammates and she walked slowly, being careful not to trip over any protruding roots on the forest floor.

Neji's reply came from directly behind her and Tenten jumped in surprise. Wasn't he supposed to be in the lead? "Yes, the fog does not seem to be of natural origin." He stated. "We should be extra careful."

"Can you see anything Neji?" Their sensei, Might Guy, asked from his spot ahead of Tenten.

"I don't see anything abnormal." The Hyuga replied. "There are no enemies nearby and the fog doesn't contain any chakra. It just... feels off."

"Right! We best make our way out of this forest as soon as possible." Guy exclaimed. "Let's think of this as training and be extra vigilant."

"Yes!" Was the uniform response from his three students.
As they walked, Tenten felt a soft touch on her back and she looked behind her, trying to see Neji through the fog.

"Be careful." He warned.

"What do you think this fog is?" She asked, the outline of his appearance finally coming into focus. She reached out to pat him on the shoulder, letting him know she was okay.

"I'm not sure. I have never been in these woods before."

"It reminds me of steam from the bathhouse. It's not thick, but I can feel it enter my lungs when I breathe in."

She didn't need to see Neji to know that he nodded in agreement. "If you think it's starting to affect you, tell me." He gave her back a gentle prod to indicate for her to keep walking and they continued on in companionable silence.
The hours seemed to drag on and still they trudged across the forest floor, the strange fog swirling around their bodies like mist and preventing them from seeing where they were headed. Neji was the one that kept them on track, letting them know where to go with the help of his Byakugan.

"I do not think Sakura will ever have feelings for me." Rock Lee suddenly exclaimed amidst the silence.

"Where did that come from?" Tenten asked, wondering what in the world prompted her friend to say such a thing. They hadn't heard him speak about his crush on Sakura for a long time, so that outburst was very unexpected.

"I do not know. I was just thinking about her and I felt I needed to voice my feelings."

Tenten felt sorry for Lee, but she always knew he had no chance with the pink haired kunoichi. Her heart would always lie elsewhere.

"Sometimes I cheat when I verse Kakashi in our trials." Guy-sensei stated, seemingly embarrassed.

What the hell was going on? "Is this confession hour or something?" Tenten wondered aloud, confused by her comrades' sudden need to express their innermost thoughts.

"I too have been feeling as if I need to get something off my chest." Neji replied from his position behind her. "Maybe the fog is affecting us after all?"

Odd. Tenten didn't feel the sudden need to confess a hidden secret to her comrades. Maybe the fog's affects didn't affect women?

A hand grabbed Tenten's wrist, turning her around to face the ninja behind her. "Tenten, I must tell you something." By the tone of his voice, it seemed as though Neji didn't particularly want to tell her, but it was as if he had no choice.

"Oh? Is it confession time for you too, Neji?" She asked, amused.

"Tenten, I... I'm in love with you." The sentence came out in a rush, as if Neji couldn't keep the words hidden a second longer.

Tenten smiled. "I know."

"You know?" He asked, incredulous.

"Neji, you may be a genius but I'm with you practically every day. You can't hide your feelings from me."

Neji was silent for some time and Tenten thought with bemusement that she had never seen him this lost for words before. "How long have you known?"

"Long enough."

"Why have you never said anything?"

"I didn't want to say anything because I was waiting for you to be honest with your feelings. I wanted you tell me when you were ready." She chuckled softly. "Although, even if the fog did somehow force you to tell me now, I'm glad. Because I'm also in love with you."

"You do?" His voice was full of hope with a touch uncertainty.

Tenten grinned at Neji through the fog. "Yes. I have for a long time now."

She could hear him heave a sigh of relief and Neji took her hand, entwining their fingers together before they started off down the path, in search of their two jumpsuit wearing comrades. His smile was evident in his voice when he spoke. "I suppose this fog wasn't too bad after all."


I have such a bad habit of making my drabbles too long. I don't think it's long enough to be considered a one-shot, but it's too long for a typical drabble. Oops. ^_^" Anyway, don't ask me why the fog has that effect on men only. I needed a reason for him to confess to her and this is what I came up with XD

More drabbles to follow so stay tuned.

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