Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Waking up the next morning, I am in my bed and Quinn is wrapped around me. I lay awake thinking about things and I can't believe he wants to be with me. I feel him pull me closer as he starts to stir. "Morning babe." he whispers. "Morning Rane." I say as I turn in his arms. He kisses me softly and asks "Are you okay?" I smile softly and say "Yeah Rane. I am." He smiles back at me and I say "I need to talk to Nero in person though. Tell him what's going on." I tell him. "We'll get dressed and hit the diner and then head over there. We can hit Redwoody after." he tells me. "Okay baby." I say as I kiss him one more time.

We head to the diner to eat and after, we walk into Diosa. I walk into Nero's office while Quinn gets a beer at the bar. "Hey Nero. Can I talk to you a minute?" I ask. "Sure. Have a seat." he says and I take the seat across from him. "I take it you heard that the guys are opening up a porn studio." I say and he nods. "You going to work for them?" he asks smirking. "Yeah. Is that okay?" I ask. "Honey, listen to me. I know Quinn asked you about being with him and you being in here talking to me now tells me you agreed." he tells me and I nod my head yes. "I'm happy for you. I knew the first night he was with you that you two would end up together." he tells me and I look at him shocked. "Honey, you're the only one he's been with since you started here. But what will you be doing at the porn studio? I don't see him letting you do porn." he says. I laugh a little and say "I'm managing the cam girls." I tell him and he nods. "Like I said, I'm happy for you. Take care of yourself and I'm here if you ever need anything." he tells me. "Thanks Nero. I just didn't want to burn this bridge, you know." I say and he nods. "I know. We're good." he tells me.

I walk out to the bar and see one of the girls trying to talk to him. I walk over and he pulls me close and I say "He's not available." She smirks and says "Good for you Lorna." before walking away. He kisses me softly and says "Let's head to Redwoody." I just nod.

Walking into Redwoody, I walk up to Lyla and she hugs me. "You coming on board?" she asks and I nod. She looks at Quinn and then me and smiles and I nod my head yes. "Good." she says simply. Quinn pulls me close and I wrap my arms around him. We talk to the guys and get everything worked out and I tell Lyla that I have some ideas for the camgirls and she says we would talk to some of the girls the next day at the staff meeting.

Pulling up at my house, we see a car sitting in the driveway. "You know that car?" Quinn asks. "No. I don't." I tell him. Getting off his bike, we walk up to the porch and see my brother's friend Jake sitting there. "Jake? What are you doing here?" I ask. "Thought we could talk about the wedding." he says. "There's not going to be a wedding. I told my mom and brother that." I tell him. "Well, they said it's still on. Who's this?" he asks looking at Quinn. "This is my Old Man. Jake, there's not going to be a wedding. Not with me and you anyway." I tell him. "I get it but, Lorna, can we talk?" he asks. "Anything you need to say can be said in front of him." I say motioning to Rane. "That's fine." he says and we all walk inside. "Look, if he makes you happy, that's all I care about. But you're mom and brother aren't going to stop. They said that they want me to marry you and get you pregnant so that you'll stop working at the brothel." he tells me. "Well, I quit the brothel." I tell him. "They will be happy to hear that but what you do is your business, not theirs." he tells me. "I appreciate that but why are you telling me this?" I ask. "Because all your life, you never did anything for yourself. Your mother controlled everything you did and it's time you did something for you. And if working at a brothel makes you happy then do it." he says. "Well, I did quit the brothel but now I'm managing porn." I tell him. "Well. Good for you." he says laughing. "Look, your mom and brother are insane. They want to put on this perfect image but they aren't perfect." he tells me. I look at him confused and he says "Your brother isn't perfect like your mom thinks he is. Your brother has a secret boyfriend that your mom doesn't know about." he tells me and I look at him shocked. "His name is Nathan." he tells me. "Wow. I didn't know that." I tell him. "I know. And your mom doesn't know that I know, but she is a hundred grand in debt. Gambling." he tells me and I look at him shocked again. "Look, just keep that in mind when they start spatting that perfect life shit." she tells me and I nod. He looks at Rane and says "Take care of her. Her family is insane. They won't stop." Rane nods and says "I got her." before shaking Jake's hand and seeing him out. I look at Rane and he says "I got you little one." I kiss him softly and say "Thank you Giant." before he pulls me close again and I just sit and think about what Jake just told me.

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