The blackout

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It was rainy really heavy probably in the monsoon season
Anyway, arguing can be heard in a house

A room with three people in it, the two of them look like their arguing and the other trying to calm them down
Wait... not people, countries

Malay: Kenapa salah aku pulak? You were the one who almost burn down the kitchen!
Indo: Dah, awak yang panggil aku, aku jawaplah!
Phil:hiya... guys, huminahon... can you just apologise and forget that this happen?
Malay: sorry Phil but--


Indo: okey... who turn of the lights?
Malay: must be a blackout
Indo: maybe....
Phil: Indo if you're thinking about blaming Malay or me, I'll take my sword and kill you.
Indo: what the hay? No, I was about to ask if anyone has a torch light or something
Malay: my phone is dead
Phil: * checking her phone * mine too
Indo: Wait...* checks in her pockets and grabs something * what the...
* pulls out a mini torch light and turns it on * oops, forgot I had this.
Malay: you little---
Phil: Malay no
Malay: what? I was about to say she was a muggle
Indo: okey... do you guys think we should check on the others?
Phil and malay: yeah

The trio got out of their room, the whole house was pitch black and we can the rain going drip,drip,drip like really loud

Malay: Hello?

No answer

Indo: you think anyone is awake?
Phil: *shrugged * not sure


???: Hello?

A country a few doors from the trio came out of a room and holding what looks to be a phone.

Malay: why, hello Brunei, didn't know you were still awake
Brunei: how can I be asleep with you three arguing?
???: Brunei who is that?
Brunei: don't worry Singa, it's just the trio
Singa: Great! Can you tell them that their arguing can be heard miles away and maybe out of the house?
Indo: we heard that!!!!
???: why, more iggy drama happening? Why didn't I get my bucket of popcorn?
???: Myan, shaddap
Myan: what? I always like drama
???: what about when you start the drama?
Myan: Why are you telling me this again Viet?
???: what is all this about?
Malay: Hi Thai
Thai: Hi Malay, anyway, what is this about?
Myan: I'm trying to enjoy the drama when Viet interrupted!
Viet: you interrupted first
Singa: ouch! Who the hay is that?
???: sorry, I'm Laos and I stepped on your foot by accident
Thai: or on purpose
Laos: What did you say
???: Laos no
Laos: what? It's not my fault that it's blackout Cam
Viet: who forgot to pay the powerbill?
Phil: that will be the rain Vietnam
Brunei: what are we supposed to do? Stand here and chit chat?
Malay: * trying to do a British accent but failing * oh, no,no,no,no, my dear brother!
I suggested we all go to our rooms and sleep OR go to the living room and wait for the power.
Indo: I can't sleep in this kind of weather
Phil: I can
Thai: can we just go to living room and chit chat ? It's getting hot in here
Cam: it is hot everyday
Laos: but it's not day
Myan: all of you shut up
Singa: rude

Time skip UwU

All of them are in the living room
Apparently,  all of them wanted to conserve their phone battery so they but a candle on the coffee table( that what's it's called right?)

Phil: sooo..  What should we do?

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