should i write a title?

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Me: so..... this idea struck me like lighting, so why not write it down before I forgot like always?

Wattpad: *facepalm*

Me: I also had writers blog ( or is it block?) these days... no motivation

Wattpad: *double facepalm*

Me: ya.....
Anyways! Lets start!

( ⚠️warning: this chapter might be short because of reasons for the other chapter, you have been warnned⚠️)


Thai: it's kinda disappointing you guys didn't trash the house while we were away

Myan: it's more fun that way

Malay: hmm... ya....

Viet: can I ask something?

Brunei: what?

Viet: what time is it?

Rain pouring as silence surround them { haha what is wrong with me?}

Singa: *checks his watch* almost midnight

Myan: oh~ you guys know what that means?

Indo: what? Ghost come out and scare us? Ha ha

Myan: nah I was thinking more of a ghost story

Cam: * eyes widen* you say ghost story?

Myan: Yeah! I mean, the situation right now is perfect for a ghost story!

Phil: but we have really bad luck with ghost, especially with ghost movies

Myan: Yeah but, you're just hearing it, not watching it

Malay: makes sense

Myan: so? Ghost story?


Phil: have to agree

Malay: YUP!!

Viet: try me


Laos: I'll listen

Brunei: I have no choice

Singa: why not?

Cam: I'm ready

Myan: you guys sure? Because this one is real and it's about the forest in this town

Brunei: what could go wrong?

Indo: every. Single. Thing

Malay: really?

Myan: you guys sure?

Viet: like I said, try me

Myan: alright, since you guys asked for it

Prepared to be scared~~~


And we cut to black,

Well? Ghost story? I must be insane! Nah, (actually I am).

Yup I did warn you this is short

Well see you guys!!!

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