Milo in the dark

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Thai: what just happen...
Cam: some weird girl showed up at OUR house in the middle of a STORM...
Phil: can we just continue I'm bored!
All except phil:


Indo: Phil... it's your turn
Phil: oh... I forgot
Everyone except phil: * facepalm*
Phil: hehehe... sorry....
I choose umm....

Viet: that was long
Phil: truth or dare?
Viet: dare
Phil: hmmmmmm...... I dare you tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Malay: oh come on, really?
Phil: give your hat to anybody
Viet: why are we switching hats or something?
Thai: 0_0
Viet: what?
Viet: .... umm.. What?
Indo: isn't it obvious?
Malay: you changed in mid air
Viet:... fine*takes off hat*
Thai: nyehehehehe* takes hat from viet* thank you! * puts it on*
Me: wait a sec...*checks the other chapters*
* realises that I did Vietnam two times*
*flips table*
Me: opps...
* naruto run out of the house*

Me: sorry, too late to change...
Viet: Alright.... my turn...

Lighting stuck

Brunei: Allah....
Viet: okey.... Malay!
Malay: hmm?
Viet: truth or dare?
Malay: dare

Lighting stuck

Malay: still picking dare
Viet: hmm....* looks at the kitchen* okey... I dare you to... make milo in the kitchen
Malay: okey, Indo lend me your flashlight
Indo:*takes out flashlight from pocket* here
Malay: * takes flashlight* * walks to the kitchen*

A few minutes later....

Laos: umm... she's taking long...


Phil: I'll go check...* walks to the kitchen*

Lighting struck

A few more minutes later...

Brunei: why are they taking so long?
Indo:lemme check....*walks to the kitchen*


Cam: they sure are making a lot of racket
Myan: you say that

More minutes later

Viet: almost an hour
Laos: what are they doing?


Thai: what's with all the crashing?
Myan: maybe someone should check on them..

Lighting struck

Cam: well, whose gonna check on them?
Thai: play rock paper scissors, the loser checks on them
Viet: he has to join too!* points at Singapore sitting on the couch*
Singa: uh.. why?
Myan: maybe it's because your girl-
Singa: fine

Laziness has taken control of me so skipping everything....
I'm sorry

Myan: dang it!
Laos:hahahhahahhahahahahahahahahaha you're the worst player ever!
Myan: shut up.... fine* gets up*
Maphilindo: * comes in the room with Malay holding a cup of milo*
Brunei:there you guys are! What took you so long?
Indo: this idiot*points at malay* (malay:hey!) Forgot where she put her last packet of milo!
Singa: so?
Indo:SO? We search the whole FRICKING kitchen to find it!
Phil: but we found it in the fridge
Viet: but we heard crashing...
Indo: Phil's fault
Malay: keeps crashing into stuff *sips milo*
Laos: you guys weren't making any sound except for the crashing
Phil: our speciality UwU
Thai: you did made everyone worried...
Indo: ya sorry...

Me: yay! The fourth chapter! Man this took forever
Wattpad: you only did this for two days....
Me: ah! I'm a busy student like I said so the updates are slow..
(Probably once every two weeks TwT so.. ya!

Thanks for reading!

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