Ghost story

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Me: so, this story is fake mostly I made it up but it is inspired by a story my twin and a forest in Japan ( from a show I watch I dunno why I watch it)

Wattpad: so, this is fake?

Me: I already said it

Wattpad: have you been watching to much YouTube?

Me: 👉👈 mayyybeee....

Wattpad: * grabs knife*



       You guys do know the forest near our town? Most people say it's a sacred place where no one cannot enter but some people think not. Many deaths has been reported near that place where people's organs can be found near the dead person.

     Some people will sacrifice at least one prisoner so that the ghost can be at peace.

     They were wrong.

     The ghosts weren't satisfied and decided to come out of the forest and try to lure innocent victims into the forest. People were reported walking absent mindly with a person with a black hoodie into the forest.

     No one has seen such figure

    They say, in a night like this, the ghost will knock on the door like a normal person but as soon as you open the door, you're finish.

____________________________________________________________________: )

Thai: s-so, what kind of victims do they like to target?

Myan: the ghost think old people are a wasted of magic, they like to target young adults and kids

Cam: so... are we safe?

Myan: no

Thunder strucks

Phil&Malay: * hugging each other*

Indo: * sweating like crazy*

Brunei: * whispering* ghost are not real, ghost are not real

Singa: * trying not to bite his nails*

Viet: * refusing to believe* *thou she is believing it*

Thai: * trying not to scream*

Laos: * wanting to faint*

Cam: *rocking back and forth* * showing that he is not sacred*

Myan: come on guys! This story is very old anyway!

Indo: are the deaths recent?

Myan: aa... well there was a case... about 2 weeks ago...

Brunei: WHAT?!!

Myan: ya...

   ( it's been awhile since I did a paragraph story... so let's do it)

   The Aseans look at each other whether they are scared or nervous I do not know, all I know is that they were staring at each other like one of them could be a ghost in disguise...
As the silence grow on them... the rain is starting to slow down.


Knock knock~

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