common sense gone wrong....

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Me: ahhh!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooo sorry for not updating! I ran out of ideas and had to go through a thousand of real books for ideas
Wattpad: why not my books?
Me: it's your fault that I have to use internet!!!!!
Wattpad: hey! And also, stop wasting the readers time
Me: ya,ya


Phil: like I said, I feel more respect for pillows
Cam: to bad none we didn't hit 'him'
Indo: no free meal? Dang it
Thai: I was looking forward to that free meal

Lights suddenly turn on

Brunei: eh! Look the lights ar-

Lights suddenly turn off

Brunei: on....
Malay: well shoot!
Myan: hey! He got off the couch!  *points at Singa*
Brunei: hey! It's not good to point!
Singa: so?
Laos: so? You're gonna have to play!
Singa: but I-
Laos: *covers Singa mouth* hush now child! You're gonna play and that's the end of that got it?
Singa: hmp (fine)
Laos: there! Now can we continue? Myan?
Myan: yeah we should!


Thai: this is fine...
Myan: well I'll ask... Brunei
Brunei: yes?
Myan: truth or dare?
Brunei: Truth, to stay safe
Myan: hmm...   -3-  why are so religious?
Brunei: cause why not?
Myan: okey....
Brunei: alright my turn...
Hmm... I'll ask Thai
Thai: hm?
Brunei: truth or dare?
Thai: truth ana~
Viet: his saying ana again
Brunei: mm..... on a scale of 1 to 10
Phil: bay-max? [ is that how you spell it? Cause I'm unsure...]
Brunei: how much do you like Vietnam?
Thai: I love her to a MILLION!!!!!
Indo: we just got ourselves a new ship guys
Viet: I swear, in the morning, I'll murder all of you *dark aura around her*
Malay: Vietnam has turn to yandere!!!! Nobody is SAFE!!!
Cam: I'm scared... when will papa Asean come back!?!!!?!
Myan: *smacks cam* stop acting like a baby!!!
Laos: now that think about it... I thought we can bring back the electricity?
Singa: and that is?
Laos: the electric box thingy that is over there * points at the electric box thingy*
All aseans:


Thai: so, who is gonna bring the power back on?
Myan: who is good with electric?
All asean:

Laos: who votes for a rock-paper-scissor challenge?
All asean: *agrees*

So as me as the lazy author... with the power of random choosing...
I umm... ya lets just continue...

Brunei: ME?!
Cam: welp, you do it
Brunei: fine... *walks towards the electric box thingy*

Phil: what's taking him so long?
Malay: entah
Indo: maybe it's very complicated or something?
Viet: you think?
Myan: whoa!
Thai: what's going on?
Laos: Brunei you okey?
Singa: please don't leave me here with theses idiots
Cam: HEY!!!
Brunei: Haha just kidding, the box thingy has a switch, I was just playing with ya
All Aseans except brunei: *faceplam*
Brunei: * turn the switch on*

Lights turn on

Cam: YESSSS!!!!!! THE LIG-


Lights turn off again

Cam: ths are on...
Brunei: *turn the switch on and off multiple times* the power officially out guys
Indo: shoot!
Laos: I thought that work T^T


Me: ya! One of my unsuccessful chapters....
Wattpad: it's really bad you know?
Me: ya,ya I know, I'm really lazy now days
Wattpad: cause I want to go to school?
Me: anyways! Bye!!!!

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