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I'm sorry!!!
Maafkan saya!!
Ako ay humihingi ng paumanhin!!
Tôi din lôi!!
Chan khxthos' ( this is Thai if your wondering... )

And now, for the story ( sorry I couldn't do all, I suck at languages... T^T)


Cam: so, thanks to the not so useful sense of Laos *stares at laos* we are stuck in the dark

Phil: the rain would probably stop eventually...

Indo: hope it doesn't flood or I'll suffer *cries in indonesian*

Malay: *pats Indo' s back* there, there Indon...


Myan: whose turn was it? I lost track

Laos: even the author forget

Singa: What is this author your talking about?!

Cam: Laos, please don't go breaking the forth wall!!

Thai: it was my turn

Brunei: go on then

Thai: hmm... I'll pick the Singa

Singa: what?

Thai: truth or dare?

Singa: *loading........ [ Lol]*  dare

Thai: take off your glasses

Singa: what? Why?

Thai: it's a dare! You got to do it!

Singa: * takes off glasses* alright, what now?

Thai: put your glasses on the table and don't touch nor wear them

Singa: *sighs* *in his mind: I'll regret this* *put glasses on the table*

Myan: borringggggggggg....... c'mon Singa, do something fun!

Singa: I rather not and since its my turn, I'll pick Indo, truth or dare

Indo: hmmm..... I'll pick truth I guess

Phil: gurl, your no fun

Malay: YEAH!

Indo: shut it!

Singa: alright... since you pick that, I wanna know, two weeks ago, all of us we're out for two days, leaving you three behind

Viet: oh that day!

Singa: yes that day and I wanna know, what did you three do while we were gone?

Maphilindo: * intensif panic *

Singa: well?

Phil: *nervous* w-what are you talking about...

Malay: *sweating* we didn't do anything right? *looks at Indo and Phil*

Indo: y-yeaaah......

~~~~~~~~~flashback UwU~~~~~~~~

Malay: hey Phil, have you seen the others?

Phil: *playing ml* they went out

Malay: okey, then have you seen Indo?

Phil: no *savage*

Malay: *sighs* where is she?

Indo: hey guys! *comes in the living room*

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