Chapter 13

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Kits POV
I got home and immediately ran upstairs and began throwing up. I felt disgusting and violated.

I also looked up why I could be getting sick in the mornings and why my periods so off and the thing that comes up terrified me and one word sticks out. PREGNACY. I run downstairs (more like limped since I already had bruises all over me and my ribs) and go to the pharmacy around the corner. I look around for a few minutes before finding the pregnancy tests and grabbing a couple.

I payed for them and went home and thank god the few I took all came back negative. But I still had a couple so I put them in my bedside table so no one would find them.

A month later and it was still happening but I hadn't heard from him in a week before I got a text.

I'm coming over tonight so tell you're family you invited me and that we're back together. And don't even fucking think about telling them what's happening.

The text sent shivers throughout my whole body as I replied.

Ok. What time are you coming around?


I went downstairs expecting to just find mum but I notice two people who are supposed to be on the other side of the world standing there talking to her and the twins. Paddy is out with dad so that's why they aren't here. But the thing that makes it worse. Is the fact that Tom and Harrison can tell when I'm lying better than anyone else in the whole world. They always know when something's not right and that's what makes my life even harder.

"Hey" I say quietly. Tom and Harrison both run and hug me and I have to try my hardest not to wince at the pain of the bruises and cuts on my ribs and back.

After catching up with them I decide to speak up. "Hey mum?" "Yeah love?" She asks as everyone continues their conversations. "Can Ryan come over tonight? We got back together." I say hoping the others didn't hear but their heads all snap in my direction and they all look at me like I'm crazy. "What the fuck did you just say?!" Tom yells. "What about Luke?" Sam and Harry ask gently. "Of course hun" she says faking a smile acting like she's ok with this. "What time is he coming?" "6".

The boys continue asking heaps of questions but Harrison just looks at me. He knows somethings not right and I really hope he figures it out.

I go upstairs and shower before getting ready. I look in the mirror and notice the bruises and cuts and how bad they are. I managed to cover the bruise near my eye with some makeup which I was happy about because I can't have anyone asking questions right now.

I get a message from Luke asking if we can talk but I quickly block his number knowing it would get worse if I replied.

Harrison's POV
She's lying and I know it. She's basically my little sister and I can tell when she's lying and while the others are busy asking her questions I'm trying to figure why she's lying and what's actually going on.

Kits POV
Dinner is awkward as fuck and the whole time Ryan had his hand on my thigh before moving it up making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I placed my hand on top of his to stop him from moving it any further up my leg and I feel him squeeze my thigh. That's gonna leave a bruise for sure.

"So Ryan why are you suddenly back after fucking with my sister and breaking her?" Tom spits.

"Tom. Shut up." I say quickly

This is not gonna end well.

"I made a mistake and I realised that I was just scared of what I was feeling am I took it out on her... She was my first..." lies... "and I promise to be more respectful of her and her feelings this time. The last thing I want to do is hurt her." Lies. He's hurting me right now and couldn't give two shit!

"That's very sweet of you to say Ryan" my mum says giving a fake smile while my brothers and Harrison death glare him.

After dinner Ryan tells me to "ask" him to spend the night even though he had already decided he was. My mum said yes but my brothers and Harrison all objected. I told them we were going to sleep since it was 10:30 and went upstairs.

I walked into my room and see Ryan standing there intimidatingly. I shut my door and he told me to lock it so I hesitantly went over and locked it knowing a repeat of last time was about to happen. I walked over to him and I was right. Except this time because of the bruises that I had covering my body it was even worse... and I cried silently the whole time desperately wanting him to leave.

The same thing happened for another 5 months before someone figured it out. That someone being Harrison. He came into my room to tell me he was going to the airport and to say goodbye when Ryan hit me. Harrison ran over and punched Ryan telling him to never lay a hand on me again.

I told him to leave it alone and that it was an accident and my fault for pissing him off. And although Harrison wasn't happy he gave me a hug and went on his way telling me to calm him if anything happens.

I tried. And Ryan broke my phone and I had to buy a new one.

Next Chapter

Harrison's POV
Seeing him hit her made me sick. It was exactly like watching my little sister get hurt and I hated it. I wanted to tell Tom what happened a month ago when it happened but she made me promise not to and I was too scared to break her trust.

Tom and I are on our way home since filming is officially finished. Tom gets dropped home and I tell him I'd be around later to catch up with the others but wanted to see my family first.

Toms POV
I got home and no one was around. I went upstairs and I heard a noise in the bathroom. I noticed Kits bedroom light on and realised it must be her. I knocked on the door but I didn't get an answer so I slightly opened the door and I saw her sitting against the bath with a razor in her hand and cuts along her wrists. She didn't even process the fact that I was there but I knew that I couldn't react.

I walked over and crouched down in front of her slowly reaching for the blade. "Hey" I said quietly before taking it out of her hand and placing it on the sink before getting a cloth and the first aid kit to clean up her wrists.

The silence was extremely nerve wracking and you could hear a pin drop from a mile away. I gently held her hand and began cleaning the cuts.

I heard the front door open as I began cleaning them and then footsteps coming up the stairs. Harrison saw me crouching down and came into the bathroom and just took a deep breathe after looking at Kit before come in over and helping me. Once the cuts where clean and covered safely Harrison and I sat on either side of her while waiting patiently for someone else to get home.

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