Chapter 8

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Kits POV
I woke up to my phone ringing so I rolled over and answered it without checking who it was. "Hello?" I asked still half asleep. "Hey Kit it's Ryan, we're done. I got what I wanted the other night when we had sex so, yeah bye." Let me recap.

2 weeks after Tom left.
I was at school still angry that Tom left when someone came over to me. "Hey" I slammed my locked shut. "What do you want?" I say angrily. "Woah sorry I was just gonna ask I you maybe wanted to go out with me tonight since it's Friday?" The boy I recognised as Ryan Sanders said. He was always nice to me so I thought why not. "Sorry I was rude before, but I'd love to. What time?" I say politely. "I'll pick you up at 7?" "Sounds good I'll see you then" I say smiling as he walked away after leaving his number.

3 days ago
Ryan and I had been dating for almost 6 months and we decided to ya know have sex. That was my first time since I never really took any interest in going to parties and hooking up with guys and dating. I was always focused on dancing. I still dance but after Tom left I decided to start going out a bit more and spending more time with people. One thing I noticed within the past month or so though is that Ryan became really pushy. If I said I didn't want to do something he got mad and he hit me a few times but it was easy it cover up. Not that that makes it ok but still. He also tried to get me to have sex with him a few times and he would always stop if I told him too. After we had sex I stayed at his the night since only his older brother was home and didn't really care that much. Everything was fine.

After Ryan hung up I immediately ran into the bathroom crying and slammed the door shut and slid down the door. I sat there for about ten minutes before getting up and getting in the shower. I thought about self harming but that would be letting him win and I don't think so. After my shower I went downstairs and had breakfast but just have had blood shot eyes because I was bombarded with questions. "Are you ok?" Harry asked. "Have you been crying?" Sam follows. "What's wrong?!?!" Paddy asks loudly. "Nothing it doesn't matter?" I say looking at mum and dad for help. "Guys just eat. Kit said she's fine so leave her be." My mum says. I give her a thank you look and she gives me a 'we'll talk later look'. We keep eating and all of a sudden Harry speaks up. "OH SHIT HAPPY BIRTHDAY" he says laughing. Everyone else joins in laughing and wishing me happy birthday while I sit thee laughing along. "Hey Harry can you take the photos tonight please" i say looking him in the eyes. "I supposeeeeeee" He says chuckling. "AH BLESS YOU" I say gratefully.

We start setting up the house for my party and organising food and drinks. Noah just got here so he's helping me make Jelly shots and all that since he's already 18 so he bought a SHIT TON of alcohol. Honestly bless that human I love him. (Also Noah's gay just a heads up I can't remember if I mentioned it or not) We finish making the shots and we go to get ready since people are coming in about two hours. I found a really nice dress about a week ago and bought it. I began my makeup and Noah did my hair cause he's been doing it for years for dance and stuff.

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