Chapter 7

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Kits POV
Toms been gone for about 6 months. He tried calling but I wasn't in the mood and eventually blocked his number. He broke a promise. Tomorrow I turn 18 and he's not even coming home for it... soooooo yeah.

Toms POV
Kit turns 18 tomorrow and right now I'm at Harrison's planning how we can surprise her tomorrow. I know she hates me but I really hope this can make up for leaving again.
Harry and Sam said they're having a party tomorrow and they said they want to get her to close her eyes so when she opens them I'm standing in front of her but I'm kinda nervous she's not gonna be happy.

Kits POV
All I want is to wake up and for Tom to be home. If he was home for my birthday I would be able to forgive him. But unless he somehow shows up I'm fully done with him.

It's short but I'm really freaking tired so sorry xx

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